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Chicken Day.....One Year On

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Yes it is one year since we got our first girls, Henny Penny and Ebony from Omlet complete with their lovely (purple eglu) .


It has been quite a year, we fell in love with them and shortly after added Ivory and Latte along with extra bits on the run. We then decided that 4 wasn't enough and got a (cube purple) that is still empty but hopefully that will be in use soooooon.


We have had 754 eggs so far. It has not all been easy, we have had pecking problems, broodiness, softies and a poorly hen to cope with and sadly Henny Penny died a few weeks ago.


But keeping hens is great, plans for our second year of chickens.......build a walk in run, start to use the (cube purple) and get more girls perhaps ones that lay !eggwhite! or !egggreen! or !eggblue! or perhaps one of each :lol::lol:


Thanks for all your help during the year, it is great to know that the omleteers are there when help is needed.


If you are reading the forum while you are thinking about chickens go for it, I am so pleased that we did.


Thanks everyone.



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Hello fellow henniversary person!


I too have just passed the year mark getting my Tikka and Madras on the 28th Feb 08. Tikka still does her sometimes iffy eggs and they are both having a bit of a moult at the moment but it's so lovely to see how they have blossomed!


They both have their own personalities though Tikka leads the pecking order!


They follow me everywhere in the garden if they think treats are coming!


I'm glad I did it though OH isnt as the garden is destroyed LOL. Good old hens!


Sarah x

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