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anybody else get Omlets chickens around/on 19th Feb

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I got mine on 11th Feb they are doing really well. We moved their cube to a better space in the garden and they can't wait till we open the outer door.

I like to make sure they are all in the run by about 5.15 and then tuck them up a bit later when they have climbed the ladder.

Hope yours are doing well too.


(cube lilac)

PP Evie biggest egg 67g

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda

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Yes I do have a lilac eglu and GNR x2 and PP x1. The same as you I think, how spooky.

PP Evie layed her first egg the very next day after delivery on 12th Feb. It weighed 45g but yesterday she layed the biggest one yet 75g.

The other 2 are still a bit young and haven't got their wattles and stuff yet so no eggs yet from them.

They love it in the garden though and GNRGNR love sunbathing and resting the most- 'cos they're still babies I guess.

I forgot to say that Evie seems to lay her egg nearer lunch time rather than first thing- perhaps like me she is not a morning person/chicken.


(cube lilac)

PP Evie

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda

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laa laaal laaaa I cant hear you (fingers in ears!).


Only kidding!


Thats funny we have the same apart from my cube is purple and yours is lilac.


I know I am terribly impatient but SO want an egg - even more so when I hear you both have them.


Both my two GNRGNR are also young as they are smaller than the PP and their wattles and combs are MUCH smaller and lighter pink. In fact one of my GNR has such a tiny comb its embarassing!


I check the nest at all times of day "just in case"!!! Perhaps they are feeling the pressure and dont work well under it!



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You made me laugh saying you check on them every so often :lol:

No privacy eh, I roughly know when there might be an egg because Evie disappears for ages but she doesn't give any other tell tale signs. Sometimes she is gone for ages and ages. I wonder how long it actually takes and if its painful like labour. Imagine doing that every day :vom:


By the way, I chose a lilac cube so it would look like a giant flower in my garden, I only wish I had a giant garden too.




(cube lilac)

PP Evie

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda

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I'm still getting the hang of doing the messages thing but I will put some pics on soon ( with Hubby's help) . I still put my signature on with the mouse because I don't how to make my signature permanent :oops:

I'll get the hang of this pc one day.

My daughter wants to know what your chickens are called :)



(cube lilac)

PP Evie

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda

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I'm still getting the hang of doing the messages thing but I will put some pics on soon ( with Hubby's help) . I still put my signature on with the mouse because I don't how to make my signature permanent :oops:

I'll get the hang of this pc one day.

My daughter wants to know what your chickens are called :)



(cube lilac)

PP Evie

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda


hi luvachicken, if you click on "User control panel" at the topof the page, then click on "Profile" in the left hand menu, then click on "Edit signature", and follow the instuctions that are in this link I have posted




good luck :wink:


mazzyc, I hope you get some eggies soon, we are all waiting with baited breath :lol: .

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NO NEWS :evil::twisted::evil::wall::cry:


This morning I had SUCH a vivid dream that I went to the nest area to pooh pick (!!!) and realised there were eggs there and as i dug around I found loads of eggs in all different shapes and sizes.


It was SO real and vivid when i woke up, for a second, I though it was real.


i went out to let them out and looked i the nest and no eggs.


I am getting really peed off about it and fed up.


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NO NEWS :evil::twisted::evil::wall::cry:


This morning I had SUCH a vivid dream that I went to the nest area to pooh pick (!!!) and realised there were eggs there and as i dug around I found loads of eggs in all different shapes and sizes.


It was SO real and vivid when i woke up, for a second, I though it was real.


i went out to let them out and looked i the nest and no eggs.


I am getting really peed off about it and fed up.





Oh bless you, it will happen eventually. They are just saving them up for a really special occasion.

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NO NEWS :evil::twisted::evil::wall::cry:


This morning I had SUCH a vivid dream that I went to the nest area to pooh pick (!!!) and realised there were eggs there and as i dug around I found loads of eggs in all different shapes and sizes.


It was SO real and vivid when i woke up, for a second, I though it was real.


i went out to let them out and looked i the nest and no eggs.


I am getting really peed off about it and fed up.



:shock: Gosh you have got it bad!! :lol:

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