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I came across a gold sebright bantam this weekend and am a bit in love. Does anyone know how they compare in temperament/handling/timidity/friendliness and general care compared with pekins?


And are there any weeny sebright dealers in the south east, especially Kent? I am getting bantams in the spring and am swaying from pekins to sebrights! :D

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I know what you mean they are very beautiful.


I have them listed as "happy, inquisitive birds that are great to have around the garden, They also do well in mixed flocks"


In terms of eggs 60-80 per year.


Some places have them as not ideal for the beginner but I think that is with reference to breeding them successfully...


They are a flier and like to roost in trees. Oh and they are British...


If it was the plumage you fell in love with laced wyandottes are really lovely as well...


http://www.sebrightchickens.co.uk/ is a site (but in Norfolk) they may know someone more local!!!

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I have 4 Sebrights - 2 silver and 2 gold - and my experience is that they are much more like the birds described by ted than by Claret! They are very cheeky little birds, always chattering, friendly and surprisingly good layers in the summer months - and the eggs look far too big to have come out of such a small hen. They live separately from my big girls, but often find a way of getting into the big girls run and can be quite aggressive. They are very good fliers too. I love them and wouldn't be without them.

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My OH loves seabrights and would love to get some, but i cant put them in with the big girls and he is adamant we should only have one flock....


Can anybody recommend somthing similar but bigger with a great temperament... Im starting a list as he says we can get more :dance: ... but i wont til we solve our pecking issues :notalk: ... I think I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth, but hopefully the right decision


I can start my list though... anybody got any suggestions that look like big sebrights (I know there is not a LF equivalent) :?:

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Thanks Clare!



Is that you in this months Home farmer... Your girls look very cute!


I heard somewhere that wyandottes were tricky... is that true?? Not sure where i read that :roll: The golden one in Home farmer is gorgeous... though my chooks just have no fluffy knickers so everyone's chooks look gorgeous to me at the moment :mrgreen:

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LJ, I have Wyandottes too - 2 beautiful blue laced girls. They are not at all tricky, but they are very prone to being broody - they shared broody duty throughout the whole of last summer, and there was always one of them at it! They are a bit daft, but very lovable and, of course, gorgeous to look at.

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I cant believe im getting excited about a list :roll:


Oh why do i have feather pluckers.... that's all i need to fix to get some more chooks.... Someone must have that miracle cure..... come on who is it!!!!! :eh:


I must be patient... i must be patient... i must be patient

I must be patient... i must be patient... i must be patient

I must be patient... i must be patient... i must be patient

I must be patient... i must be patient... i must be patient :wink:

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Bling is being a bit of a bully towards the two pekins at the moment, I think it's more obvious because Bromley and Petals are so laid back.


Bumble is attempting to put her in her place, I'm sure it will settle down when she realises that Bumble is in charge and that the two pekins are her ladies in waiting ( they even accompany Bumble to the nest box).

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Thanks Clare!



Is that you in this months Home farmer... Your girls look very cute!


Errr, not that I know of :? ... anyone have a scan of the article?


I have written a couple of articles recently for a poultry feed company, but they've not been published yet so far as I know.


It's definately you, Pg25 The omlet experience "a profile of one of the omlet parties and its leader" Clare Taylor

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Clare, let me know if you cant get one.... Scats had a stack this week... I can post you one or mine next week if you want.... after ive entered the competition to win a you know what!!!! dont tell anyone though cos its mine!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


... no lemon drizzle cake in the photo... that's why I wondered, it must be an imposter!!! :dance::dance::dance:

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