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Lets Recommend some of our favourite books

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The Time Travellers wife by Audrey Niffeneger

Just one of those books you really can't put down and which stays with you for a long while after you've read it.


Ooh yes, I love that one too. It always makes me cry at the end though. Fantastic book.



I was scrolling through waiting to post about this book too. As a child I was a prolific reader and even now if I really get hooked, then NOTHING gets in the way of my book. So what happens is that I keep reading until it is finished. All day and all night sometimes.

The last book to make me do that was The Time traveller's Wife.

It made both very happy and very sad.

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I love looking in bookshops, we can all spend hours in our local Borders, but i try to buy online as it's so much cheaper. I read far more childrens books than anything else these days, i only really like sci-fi/fantasy books in the grown-ups books.


So, i would recommend The Belgariad and The Mallorean series by David Eddings. I've been reading these since i was 12, i couldn't begin to count how many times i've read them. I read all 12 books at least once a year.


The Moomins - although childrens books, the stories are lovely and fantastical and make me feels really wistful


The Ender saga - amazing books that, again, i've been reading since childhood and read over and over again. These are really sci-fi books but the sci-fi isn't really in your face, it's just the setting for fantastic stories about the trials Ender faces whilst growing up. I've never been very good at describing books, you'll just have to try them for yourselves.


The Little House books are wonderful, as are many classic children's books such as "The Secret Garden" and "Tom's Midnight Garden".


My favourite grown-up book of all time is "The Catcher in the Rye".

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The Time Travellers wife by Audrey Niffeneger

Just one of those books you really can't put down and which stays with you for a long while after you've read it.


Ooh yes, I love that one too. It always makes me cry at the end though. Fantastic book.


Agreed - amazing book 8)


They are filming the movie right now, starring the divine Eric Bana :P:P:P

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I've just had a bad case of 'fingerslip' at Amazon's one-click thing... :oops:


The time traveller's wife and two books from The Riverside collection have fallen into the basket... Felt very tempted by the Kite Flyers after having read One Thousand Splendid Suns...


Books are soooo tempting! :roll:

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