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I'm getting a cat.

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Oh I'm so excited. Remember we lost our dear cat Holly last year? It just hasn't been the same without her. Well my sister lives on a farm & has cats that she has fed & tamed.

Well a kitten turned up & has been living in my sister's tck room, being fed & well cared for by by sister. She is about 6 months old & is now tame enough for us to be able to have her. We are in the caravan this weekend - but when we are back, we can collect her. The best bit is - she is the same colours as Holly was tortoiseshell & white. We have named her Orchid. She will be neutered & microchipped as soon as possible & will have to be kept in for a few weeks until she realises our house is her home. I am going to also train her on a harness & lead at first. She is chicken friendly, as she has mixed with my sister's chickens. :D

I am now looking everywhere for a nice igloo bed for her & some special nice things.



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How lovely and exciting for you. It's sad that you lost Holly and they always leave a big gap don't they but great that you're getting Orchid. Sounds like a little cat of fate actually, just like some of the chickens of fate that have popped up on here :lol:


Lisa P

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Coming back from Thailand & loving it as much as last year - we wanted a Thai name for her - Boon our cockerel has a Thai name. Some how I didn't want to name her Supaporn :lol: - so we decided on the Thai flower - Orchid.

I'm away this weekend, but I'm sure that I won't be able to wait another whole week to get her. I bet she will be very frightened at first. I'll have to place lots of boxes & baskets around the house, so she can feel secure & safe. Bless her, she thinks her home & luxury is a horses cold stone tack room. :cry:



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I'm getting Orchid tomorrow at 5.30pm!!!! I can't wait. Got everything ready for her & made the cat carrier as cozy as possible for her short journey. She has 2 beds that we have bought.. :roll: One a pink camo plushie kennel style - the other a wicker basket. Got her lots of little toys, treats & special food for youngsters etc.

She will be truly loved here! :D



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We are home. We opened the cat carrier & she ventured out. She then went into hiding behind our settee & dived under the low coffee table in the corner. We can't even see her. I think patience is going to be a big thing here, for her to build her confidence. Don't think there will be any photos of her tonight - unless she comes out for her food later. We shall let her do her own thing at her own pace.



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Well Orchid hid away until we went bed. We set up a little camera on her with infra red, so we could see her. We left a night light on too.

She kept sneaking out & doing a circular tour round the settee. Then we heard lots of munching ( eating her Iams). All night long she has played with this circular toy that has a ball trapped in it & a mouse on a spring. We could hear the ball whizzing round. She has investigated her pet bed too. She's hid away again now we are up. I don't know how I'm going to get any pics of her. I just want to cuddle her, but I am going to have to be patient!



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Well we had my sister in law staying over this weekend & she brought her little Yorkshire terrier :roll: , so Orchid hasn't had much chance to build her confidence. She has been coming out at night & when we have been at the pub or in the garden etc - so she's eating, drinking & pooping. At least now she has got a good few days without any upset or visitors.

She'll come round & I'll eventually get some pics of her!



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