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I think it's only the older ones that had faded - the first mark 2s. A friend has an early blue mark 2 and that's faded a bit too.


The old shades used to rip easily, but I have been told that the new ones are made of sterner stuff. My housing is in partial shade, so I hardly ever use a shade on it, but last summer was such a washout that I left the clear plastic on most of the time. The bunnies always have a shade on though - they hate being hot.

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I have a yellow eglu (yellow eglu) - you can't get them anymore though (I tried to start a petition to bring them back, but we didn't get far). It is about 4 years old now and not faded at all, it seems to me. Interesting that some do and some don't - maybe it's down to the dye used and how it is affected by the sun. Hmmmm... :think:

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My green one is very faded you can really see the difference in the colour when you take of the egg port - but my garden is south facing and it is in full sun. That said, you wouldn't look at it and think it has faded, it is just when you compare to the unexposed bits you can tell the difference.



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My (cube purple) hasn't faded ... although I've just realised I've only had it a year, was thinking it was still the original Eglu! I did have a Green Eglu that was nearly three years old, before I sold it on, and that didn't show any obvious signs of fading i.e. the inside still matched the outside.

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