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Would you mind telling me what EXACTLY your problem is? :twisted:


I was wondering where all this was going too LJ - seems to be a bit of graham-baiting going on here tonight, and I'm supposed to be the one doing that :lol:


Still, I've got cakes to ice and idle gossip will get me nowhere, but I hate to see people being picked on juts because they're a big girl's blouse. Now, let's all play nicely so I can get on with my baking and get to bed before midnight :roll:

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What a fantastic idea. :D We could see slow-motion replays of the door shutting. :D (If it gets to that of course.... :? )


I was thinking more of the shots of you in your night-shirt, out checking the trap....... :wink::lol::P

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Back to the rat - the trap is set. I've been out and checked with a torch.... nothing yet. :roll:


Announcer's voice: Keep up to date all night with us here on "grd rat-watch".



Seriously... sheila is right - rats are usually (but not always) really reluctant to approach anything new - they are creatures of habit and frightened of change (with good reason)


often rats won't approach poison pipes for about 2 weeks - so don't hold your breath just yet..


also - the siting is very important - to site one properly you need to conceal it and place on a rat run - you probably need to do some detective work to find out where they are living...


I say "they" - because there will be at least a dozen if you have seen one


some people suggest wedging the trap open for a few nights so that the rats learn to trust it...


(also - wear gloves if you catch one - for carrying the trap. I doubt it would turn on you in open woodland - but it might well go for your fingers - and who would blame it!! - if you were carrying the trap with fingers poking temptingly through the bars....)


finally... check with neighbours about rat-activity - it may be that they are tempting them in (excessive bird-feeding - compost heaps with juicy s"Ooops, word censored!"s etc...) if this is so then you are just sticking a finger in the dyke - they need to be dealt with at source...



really finally - I accept your reasons for doing this - but if you are not quickly successful then it really is your duty (maybe a bit strong - but you know what I mean) to call in the council pest-control... if you are suffering from rats - your neighbours will be also...



double finally - (obviously) - check the rap regularly - else the rat might starve to death... or gnaw its leg off with stress...



extra-double-finally - depending on how far you want to go - if you want to be REALLY nice... you should check if you have caught a nursing female - you should be able to see the teets... if so - and you release her miles away - the babies will all starve to death...


good luck,



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Sheila, Phil and everyone else who has offered advice..... thank you!


The latest is: the trap hasn't worked. :?


We do have an elderly neighbour who puts food out for the birds at ground level. She knows this attracts rats, but she's done it for years so nothing we can really say or do to make her re-think. :roll:


I think I'm going to have to go digging.... :(

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