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Mrs Kettle

Using Stalosan-F

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Hi - those of you using Stalosan F, do you clear all chippings etc. off and apply to bare earth? Or do you apply between layers of chippings? And do you keep the chooks away while you do this and, if so, for how long? Ditto garden lime.


Many thanks,


Mrs K

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Hello Mrs K :)


I apply a very generous sprinkling of Stalosan F once I've raked off the top layer of Hemcore & soil. So yes, on bare earth. I also add a good sprinkling of garden lime then too. I then put new Hemcore down.


You don't need to keep the chickens off it but it saves having pink dusty chickens if you can keep them out of the way until the new bedding is down :lol: .

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I normally rake up my Hemcore/Aubiose into a big pile, sprinle Stalosan on the bar earth, put the pile down, and then move the bit where the pile was, and put it on the bare earth tere.


If I;m in a hurry, I rake the aubiose u, sprinkle Stalosan on bare earth, sprinkle stalosan on the heap of Aubiose, then rake the Aubiose back down.


Hope that helps

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I don't use bedding. My run is on bare earth where once there was grass. I dig it over about once a month and dig in a couple of handfuls of garden lime. I then sprinkle Stalosan F on top and replace the run. The chooks soon scratch the pink stuff into the earth. I have found this process helps keep smells down.

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