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Hello everyone,

After months of debating what to do I have finaly decided that the egloo is the answer.

Its Going to arrive on Tuesday and then I will go looking for my little friends to inhabit it. Im very eggsited cant wait.

Ive been looking through the forum and found it very reassuring that there are a lot of like minded people out there.

I hope you dont mind but i might have to ask your advice from time to time as chickens are new to me (got 4 dogs 2 cats 3 horses and about 30000 mice.)

Look forward to chatting to you all



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(got 4 dogs 2 cats 3 horses and about 30000 mice.)

Look forward to chatting to you all




30 000 :shock: Much as I like them :shock:

I love horseys, I keep meaning to take up riding again.

We have another Graham on the forum (Grd-admin) you should watch out for him :wink:

Good luck with the new girls, chickens are lovely. What colour eglu did you go for?

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Thank you all for your welcome.

My next big step is which chickens to get for my green egloo.

I have seen some bantams and think they are gorgeous. But was also thinking of getting a bigger chicken that lays decent size eggs.

Any recomendations would be greatly appreciated

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Hi Scooter:

Welcome to forum - I have found it a huge help - there is always someone who has the answer.

We have two lovely Gingernut Rangers who came from Omlet with our eglu. They lay lovely brown eggs every day - always 50-52g. Just delicious - well worth having your garden wrecked for!

Lawn - what lawn? :roll:

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