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OH has just employed a guy for his team: "Ooops, word censored!"nal supporter (of course :wink: Part of the criteria), from Malta, name of Mark Souguna.


Pronounced "Mark's a gooner".


How cool is that? 8):lol::lol:

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"Ooops, word censored!"nal are cheats? What are you on Martin?!


We beat (sorry, thrashed) Liverpool fair and square even though we played pants. Scary how much we would beat them by if we actually played well! How exactly did we cheat Martin? Am intrigued to know as i watched the whole game and couldn't see anything - in fact wasn't it Alonso the Liverpool player who got booked for diving?

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It was never a yellow card, it was a blaytant penalty. I've always said Steve Bennet was a **** ref.


Eboue may be the best right back in the premiership other than Olof Mellberg, but he was always in the little niggles and he needs sorting out. As for when he feigned that injury! :evil: Crouch should have got him by the arms, Alonso by the legs took him down the tunnel dumped him. It must have been so bad that he got up as soon as he got off the pitch. "Ooops, word censored!"ne Wenger, fair play to him, took him off to save him from embarresment. I think Henry is beautiful player but he was a bit shovey and pushy. Dirty players! :shameonu:

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It wasn't a penalty! Ok so maybe there was a bit of contact but he went down like an olympic champion!


As for Eboue, he's just come back from injury so he's hardly going to deliberately fake injury is he or he might lose his place to Hoyte.


Henry, shovey and pushy? :lol:


Now Martin, i thought Villa fans knew about Football - how wrong am i!!!!


Thats probably why they support a rubbish team like Villa! :wink:

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