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Richard T

I saw this and thought of you.

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" I saw this & thought of you"

Well thank you Richard, what a wonderful piece of research. Caffeine as well, brilliant! 8)

I'm def. one of the Omleteers who appreciates this, & I'm sure there are a lot of us.

P.S. I think Louise is the other person who can leave chocolate (more for me & Chocchick & Lesley then). She can have some of my red wine though. :wink::lol:

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Red wine and caffeine....... 2 of my favourite substances :D:oops::oops:

Cinnamon, on the coffee theme, I was in Starbucks :oops::oops: the other day and couldn't resist a gingerbread latte. Delicious :D I did think of you as I was drinking it...... it was you who recommended them last year wasn't it :?

I can take or leave the chocolate myself, not at all bothered by it :D

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