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I had never been in Primark before but we have just had a huge one open in our town.


For the first week you couldn't get throught the door, it was so full of people.


But eventually got in and bought a really nice fleece for £4 and a load of pants and socks for us all, some of the stuff is rubbish but some is very nice

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I had never been in Primark before but we have just had a huge one open in our town.


For the first week you couldn't get throught the door, it was so full of people.


But eventually got in and bought a really nice fleece for £4 and a load of pants and socks for us all, some of the stuff is rubbish but some is very nice


I agree, Debs. The sizes can be a bit on the skimpy size too. It is one of those shops you can go into very frequently and never find anything but tat, then suddenly, a fab bargain!


The handbags are good though, I am using one of theirs at the moment, it cost £2. Also the slippers are nice too!

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We're still very warm down here considering the time of year. 15oC today, wore a t-shirt to work and was quite warm enough. Very unseasonably warm.

It's the wind and rain that gets me down at the moment. The garden's a quagmire and I'm desperately trying to get it nice as we're planning on putting the house on the market in the New Year, but with the mud and chicken damage any sane potential buyers will take one look and run a mile :shock:

Primark :? I love Primark :wink: We've got a local branch and the fashion trends at daughters school always originate in Primark. Son expects his clothes all to have designer labels :shock: Daughter requests £4 jumpers from primark to look the same as her mates. Keeps me very happy :wink:

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It has gone really nippy here, I had to go out and buy a casual winter coat this morning.


Mind you it was only £12 from Primark so I don't feel too bad about spending the money, it's a nice long (nearly to my knees!) padded lightweight parka with a hood as well :D


Where is the Primark you went to? Im Birmingham based too (southeastish) but i cant bare to go into Birmingham itself to shop - hell on earth!!! :shock::shock::shock:

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We've had a couple of frosty mornings here as well, in fact yesterdays frost produced the most amazing patterns on the car, which I had to rush out and take photos of! Will post the photos when I find my card reader, which has gone walkies. :roll:

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It has gone really nippy here, I had to go out and buy a casual winter coat this morning.


Mind you it was only £12 from Primark so I don't feel too bad about spending the money, it's a nice long (nearly to my knees!) padded lightweight parka with a hood as well :D


Where is the Primark you went to? Im Birmingham based too (southeastish) but i cant bare to go into Birmingham itself to shop - hell on earth!!! :shock::shock::shock:


I have to psyche myself up, Emma, the Primark I visit IS the one in the city centre! :shock: (you are right, it is hell on Earth :shock: )


The coat is worth double its weight in gold, I have to say! I have worn it all week for work when normally I would wear a more tailored coat, but it is sooooo toasty, I can go out with just a tee shirt on underneath, and the high neck and hood means I don't need a scarf or umbrella!


On a weather note, we had quite bad fog this morning which appears to have cleared now but it is geting cold so we may have a good frost tonight!

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By the sounds of it none of you has the weather we've got at the minute then. It's really cold, icy, frosty and to top it all off the whole place is covered in fog, Very nasty driving conditions all day-Am hoping all the drivers out tonight will have working headlights!


Have you heard that they're having to cancel loads of flights too, because of the fog in London?

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I love these icy,frosty cold & crisp mornings.


Everything just seems CLEAN again :lol:


But the Hubby hates it - he has been working on a roof all week & has been really feeling the chill (not to mention slipping around a bit!)


The hens seem to like it too.

I may vaseline their combs today,if it looks like it will be cold for the next few days :P

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