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Ooo La La - Would you like to be on TV?

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  • Omlet Staff

The French national news channel TFI are popping up to Omlet tomorrow morning to film our wonderful world of chickens. They have also requested to speak to one of our loyal customers and film them alongside an eglu in their back garden! So we're on the hunt for a young family (preferably in London) to be filmed either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. So If you're looking for your five minutes of fame please e-mail me on simon@omlet.co.uk pronto. Your garden should be presentable and of course big enough to hold a film crew!! - oh and don't worry you don't have to speak French.



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J'adore mon eglu mais je n'habit pas a Londre et je n'ai pas des enfants :D (I've made the eglu masculine - I hope that's right - oh and it was 12 years ago that I studied French so let's not have any clever linguists making me look silly) :roll:

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Come on you guys - over 6 hours since the exciting prospect of mixing with a french film crew and no takers! Go for it! :D:D Perfect way to occupy the kids for a half day and some eggciting stuff to write in their 'what I did over the summer' essay :lol:


Actually if anyone did speak reasonable french that would be sooooo cool - they have such a wrong impression of our linguistic skills. :roll: And just think - the result of the programme could be Paris with an eglu in every street :D:D:D

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J'aime garder de chickens.Il est une expérience très tranquille et enrichissante. Ils ne prennent pas travaille beaucoup et les oeufs sont simplement superbes. Mais j'ai pensé les animaux traités français très mal ?



They won't be picking me then!

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I am quite good with my hands (no rude comments please!)


I design prints for Childrenswear so have to draw all sorts of weird and wonderful characters for the front of T-Shirts and PJ's. You can see my stuff in Bhs, Mothercare, Asda etc......(bit of a claim to fame there!)


I also teach degree students how to design too


I've gone all coy now :oops:

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