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Skiing Chook!

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Just got back (Last Sat) from a weeks skiing and had a lovely time. The weather was good but the snow could have been better :roll: I insisted that OH take a picture of me in my Omlet tee while we were away :lol:




I wanted the mountains in the back ground but you cannot have everything :roll: So here is a pic of OH with mountains :D




My eldest and I both took our omlet school bags as hand luggage and OH spent the entire time at Heathrow shaking his head and trying to cover his face saying "the shame, the shame" :lol::lol:


Has anybody else got pics of themselves in lovely locations wearing Omlet t-shirts?

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Excellent idea :D:D

Lovely photos Paola. Where did you go skiing?

We haven't skiied for about 3 years now and looking at your pics I felt quite envious :oops::oops: . Not that I'm any good (terrible in fact :roll: ) but the family are all very competent skiiers, and I think it's a lovely holiday, all that fresh air and exercise, and generally I've always found that we've made some wonderful friends of fellow skiiers.

Did you have a good time?


We booked our holiday last night, so I'll be able to take some Omlet t-shirt around the world photos 8) , even though hubby will :roll::roll: when he sees the t-shirt getting packed.

We've booked to tour NZ, with a stopover in Dubai 8)

Dreading the flight though.

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Excellent idea :D:D

Lovely photos Paola. Where did you go skiing?

We haven't skiied for about 3 years now and looking at your pics I felt quite envious :oops::oops: . Not that I'm any good (terrible in fact :roll: ) but the family are all very competent skiiers, and I think it's a lovely holiday, all that fresh air and exercise, and generally I've always found that we've made some wonderful friends of fellow skiiers.

Did you have a good time?


We booked our holiday last night, so I'll be able to take some Omlet t-shirt around the world photos 8) , even though hubby will :roll::roll: when he sees the t-shirt getting packed.

We've booked to tour NZ, with a stopover in Dubai 8)

Dreading the flight though.


Thank you Kate


The pic was taken in Courchevel 1850 (sp?) but we stayed in La Tania. OH has been staying with the same guy (Ski Deep) for about the past 10 years.


It was only my second time (I went five years ago). I think I was better five years ago :roll: It is my eldests (7) third season in a row and she is a real demon on a pair of skis. She will ski anything :roll: She did a couple of full days skiing (9.15 - 4.30) and was disappointed when OH came to collect her, so they skied back instead of getting the bus!


It is a great holiday and I really love the scenery. The food is also fantastic. You are right, you always meet some lovely people skiing :D More pics of our holiday to bore you!




This is my middle one and I at 1850.




This is OH at the top of a mountain.


I have always wanted to go to NZ. I am sooooooo :mrgreen: Maybe some day :?

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The Hubby always goes to la Tania Paola, in fact this is the first year he has not been in about 8 years.


As for me, well I am built for comfort,not speed, so prefer to take my holidays laying by a pool, cocktail in one hand & a good book in the other :lol::lol::lol:


Spooky :shock: Who does he stay with?

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