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Tina C


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  Gina said:
[ I went to a very working class school in Rowley Regis and saw the nit nurse on occasions and I used to love it when she played with my hair. [/color]


She came to my school too.


We called her Nitty Nora the Bug Explorer :D


Actually she was a starchy c*w who used to delight in humiliating the same two families, who both had 7 or 8 children and who were underprivileged to put it mildly. A bit of help and support was what they needed, not ritual humiliation..

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We had Nitty Nora too girls. I don't remember much of it though. My mother swears that we never had headlice, but I'm not sure that she'd know what to look for! She was puzzled when I was talking about lice and worms in children a while ago :roll: My grandparents checked us, so perhaps she just opted out :?


I think they were less prevalent then because:


a) less people used lotions and more people combed, so the lice didn't build up a resistance to the chemicals used.


b) people washed their hair less often - it has been proven that lice prefer clean hair because they can grasp the hair shaft more easily. Certainly, since Rosie has stopped using shampoo, she has hardly ever had lice *touches wood quickly*


There is a new product available called Hedrin - it coats the hair and lice (not a chemical, I understand), and the lice die of suffocation. So it avoids putting nasty chemicals on your scalp. I still think that combing is the best option though.


Tina, I am glad that you got the document I emailed - don't read it while you're eating though :wink: Gina, I have sent it to you too.

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  Claret said:
You'll be scratching soon :roll:


I hope that OH doesn't get them Gina - it'd be murder combing through all that lovely long thick hair :shock:


Might just be the push he needs to take the plunge and get it cut! :wink:


Not that I'm wishing nits on us of course.....


Oh Gosh....I'd better go and touch some wood or something

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When I was at primary school my mother used to be the Nitty Nora nurse. Oh, the teasing my sisters and I had to endure :oops::oops::oops: .

She used to check us all really thoroughly at home before her school visit because she didn't want to have to report us as being infested :shock:

That said I don't actually ever remember having head lice as a child :? . Maybe I did but it just had very little impact on me, or maybe like Clare says the incidence is just a lot higher these days.

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Goodness, nits are a hot topic around here.


Well our story so far is that OH checked me last night but couldn't find anything. But he was in a bit of a 'I don't know what I am looking for' mood and had consumed a few beers...


I groomed Layla this evening and - thanks to Clare's info sheet - can proudly announce that I found headlice. Yuk. Layla was completely unbothered by the whole process. Think it helped that she saw me having it done first.


So guess what I am off to do now - suddenly Mike wants his head checked (after examining what I pulled out of Layla's hair with a magnifying glass and proclaiming a positive identification - men, huh) and I am having mine done again (I quite enjoyed it actually).


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has offered advice and experiences - it has all helped us feel we are not alone, even though I come over all itchy when I read the posts. Just got to decide what treatment to use now. (Stomps off to re-read everything, scratching as she goes).

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  Daniel said:
  Snowy Howells said:
Dan that is :vom:


Harry put them in a little specimen jar thing after we had looked at them so we could check them out another time. I guess they just starved / froze to death (I feel a bit guilty about that now I come to think about it - I'd forgotten about them until this post)...


Dont feel guilty Dan. They are nasty little blighters :evil:

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That has given me the giggles - I keep imagining Layla's bugs dancing to one of her favourite tunes.


We remembered we had a microscope and had a look at one of the things we found in her hair and ended up having an argument about whether it was a head louse or a nit/egg. It might have had legs but it certainly wasn't moving. It was very very tiny.


Oh well - we bought some Hedrin and smothered her in it last night. But after the second dose in 7 days I am sticking with the conditioner and comb routine - otherwise I will end up spending a fortune if they get passed around again.

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Did anyone see Newsround (John Craven's) on Tuesday night?


They had a Nit Report! Apparently there are Supernits coming soon, riding on some long hair from very far away and they are bigger and better than ours. Get those hair nets on girls!


Actually, the report said that conditioner and nit combs were your best option for getting rid of them....

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I htink it also makes you more aware of what's in your childrens' hair and the life cycle of the lice too. Rather than just nuking them and hoping for the best; I htink that's why some children are always infested - their parents cover them with chemicals, which the lice are resistant to and think that's the end of it.

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  Gina said:
I've never had nits. Wouldn't know one if it jumped up and bit me on the bum!


I don;t think that's where the nits like to settle Gina.... :lol:


We have a fab electronic nit comb thingy, that zaps the little blighters and kills them stone dead - everyone gets a comb through on a Sunday evening, and we've not been bothered for a while, possibly helped by the boys penchant for a No1 all at the barbers.


I got nits when I was in hospital having Duncan - I was totally paranoid that I would pass them to Duncan (he had flowing locks when he was born!), and he would be the youngest ever nit sufferer, and he would be taken off me!

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You can guess why I'm reading this thread again! :roll::roll:


After reading about some worried husbands and possible haircuts, I'd just like to point out that men don't get head lice. It must be something to do with the vast levels of testosterone!


DD3 has found a few (6) tonight but our Nitty Gritty comb has disappeared so I need to replace it tomorrow. I am so annoyed! :roll::evil: I thought I would try Cinammon's recommendation of the Tisserand oil if I can find it, too, so came on here to find out what it was called.


DD3 is going away on a course on Sunday and is very worried about being spotted scratching her head! She is not infested though and I want to reassure her that she will be all right. (Proud mother moment: at the age of 12, DD3 has been invited to sing services in Canterbury Cathedral for a week with the Royal School of Church Music :D:D )

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