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What is Everyone Eating this Christmas?

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Couldn't you take a packed lunch - Turkey sandwiches etc? Kate will make you one, she spends most of her time cooking and making packed lunches - Gourmet ones!




Poor Nicki - been there and done that during my nursing days - miserable, isn't it, having to work when everyone else is having fun. Hope you get time off when the others go back to work!


As for the packed lunches - I'm not sure Marmite sandwiches qualify as "gourmet" :shock: ! Perhaps Delia's TV Christmas will start a run of Marmite and Turkey recipes - count me out though - yuk!!!

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:? Re. Nicki at work .. sorry you have to work Xmas day .... BUT no I don't beleive you need the diet .. I met you a few weeks ago, and You're stick thin!!!!! :wink: . All the chicken keeping, dog walking and horse riding .... shame the latter 2 came to an end earlier this year for me, else I would be a former shadow. haha.


Anyway ... Turkey for us, at the out-laws ... I am in charge of the 16 lbs of flesh though, so have ordered a good un. Felt it was the least I could do, to avoid a tough old bird :lol::lol: no I don't mean the mother-in-law.


Sarah (yes I am still around!) (green eglu)


Ginger and Pepper .... still laying !egg! 's every day (bragg, bragg)

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:? Re. Nicki at work .. sorry you have to work Xmas day .... BUT no I don't beleive you need the diet .. I met you a few weeks ago, and You're stick thin!!!!! :wink: . All the chicken keeping, dog walking and horse riding .... shame the latter 2 came to an end earlier this year for me, else I would be a former shadow. haha.



I could have come to see both of you the other week when we visited Derbyshire/Macclesfield for my second walk since knee injury two years ago and then you would both feel stick thin :wink:



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We have managed to curtail work tomorrow to a coupole of hours - full shift Boxing day though! Its throwing it down here at the moment an I have to say I'm hoping it doesn't snow. So I think I will make it to mums for some turkey. We had mussels last night, its pheasant tonight and guinea fowl on New Years eve so the odd marmite sandwhich won't go amiss.

It would have been great to see you in Macclesfield - any time as long as you can cope with the madhouse. New Otterhound arriving in January - bye bye any lawn I dreamt of!

Have a good Christmas and New Year


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Ah back again...have you ordered your pie machine for christmas Mrs Tweedy :lol: . Can I ask if you are 'doing it yourself' or are they going down the road like you mentioned. Have they requested a nice drop of something festive, ah :wink:




We were going to DIY but after this morning I think the remainder may take a trip up the road :?


I will go to the appropriate topic and tell you more :)

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Ah back again...have you ordered your pie machine for christmas Mrs Tweedy :lol: . Can I ask if you are 'doing it yourself' or are they going down the road like you mentioned. Have they requested a nice drop of something festive, ah :wink:




We were going to DIY but after this morning I think the remainder may take a trip up the road :?


I will go to the appropriate topic and tell you more :)


Yes please I'm interested, will keep a look out for your reply! :)



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