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Martin B

Dragons Den

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:shock::lol: Oooh, we'll be watching that, Egluntine.


It is just possible that the "falling out" and increased rudeness between & from the Dragon's is, er, for maximum TV audiences...

...could get a bit bland if they were polite and helpful to everyone and always in agreement with each other.

It's a TV programme, not an everyday business meeting. :wink:

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It's a TV programme, not an everyday business meeting.


I've been to a couple of "everyday business meetings" where there has been skin and hair flying and the blood had to be hosed off the walls!!


All to do with testosterone fuelled alpha males and corporate bi*ch*s wanting to have their own way.


PS...I've always been the quite one in the corner. :D:roll:

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Did you see it!


Did you hear the bit where Duncan told Deborah that she needs to lighten up! See - I told you she was rude and stuffy. Got to agree with ole Dunc on that one :wink: She'll be gone next series. She doesn't really add to the mix.


What a fab show tonight. Some really good people on. (Was your son's friend on Anne?)


I thought the Mummy Mittens was a fab idea...but I think the name needs to be more inclusive. It's not just Mummy's that push prams after-all. My hands are still like sand paper after this winter. I'd definately get some....


and, of course, I had a bit of a soft spot for the West Midland steriliser guy!

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What a fab show tonight. Some really good people on. (Was your son's friend on Anne?)


I thought the Mummy Mittens was a fab idea...but I think the name needs to be more inclusive. It's not just Mummy's that push prams after-all. My hands are still like sand paper after this winter. I'd definately get some....


and, of course, I had a bit of a soft spot for the West Midland steriliser guy!


And what a brilliant name - Casey Jones :D:D


Loved the Mummy Mittens - wish something like that was around when my lovelies were tiny. :D


Don't think Anne's son's friend was on to night - think he asking for money for an alternative advent calendar :?::?: (according to an earlier post)

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No he wasn't on this week. :roll:


Loved the older chaps flashing braces.


What were those push chair gloves all about! :shock::roll:


I think I might try to get £50K out of them to market the Egluntine''s supa doopa poo shifter, which consists of a garden cane with a desert spoon gaffer taped to one end and a fork likewise at the other end.


I put it through the gaps in the run and pick up poo , and if the bedding seems a bit compacted I aereate it with the fork bit.


Works a treat!


As I've said before...not just a hat rack! :lol:

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No sign of my Reggae Reggae sauce yet :?

Anyone else got theres?


Just been onto the site, which now seems to be under construction, & it says that they have had to temporarily stop production of the sauce,but all those who placed an order should get theres in due time.

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Did anybody watch tonight's episode?


I have a confession to make. I absolutely fell in love with the Fruity Faces. In fact my mum was on her laptop at the time of the episode and I said put Fruity Faces into google, so she did and up came the website.


They are the solution to many of my problems. If I take an apple to school, I don't have packed lunch so there is not lunch box to put it in. The piece of fruit goes into my bag loose, during the day my bag is used as a goalpost at school, so therefore the ball hits it all the time and people tread and sit on it. With a fruity face I can ensure that the fruit is safe from squashing. For those that did not watch the show, the fruity face is a product made to protect the fruit from being crushed. The container has an inflatable outside in the shape of a fruit. inside the undoable inflatable case is an area to put your fruit. The product appeals to young children and may encourage them to eat more fruit.


Here are the pictures:









So before the end of the ladies pitch I was the proud owner of Tunda, Mengi and Fenne. All 3 for £11. Although they are aimed at younger children I think that they will do just the job for me.

If you would like to find out more or even buy a fruity face or two or three or four then the website is below:


Fruity Faces

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My 3 children all have the banana Fruity Face - they are FAB! Bananas used to be taken to school in their lunchbox, and brought home black, because of bruising. I bought the plastic ones that Lakeland sell, and the bananas still came back bruised - they are NEVER bruised in their Fruity Faces.


Love 'em!

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