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What a great half term...Have you guessed I'm lying???

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Why is it I only manage to be ill when I'm not at school? For example on Tuesday evening once I'd got back from my music lesson I was really sick and then as I thought I felt a bit better I had two pancakes. Later on I then threw them up too and didn't eat anything for the rest of the evening and then just drank water and threw up another 3 times.


Yesterday I was mostly asleep, but today I feel lots better. Unfortunately Mum got the bug yesterday too though and it still recovering.

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Feel back to normal today, just don't want to get up too quickly from a chair!


Will hopefully be going to see my brother tomorrow in Southampton, and we can dump some eggs on him too!


Mum's also much better too and it upstairs sewing up a cot blanket for Save the Children, now that's definitely an improvement, she was asleep this time yesterday.

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Mine had that bug, it was a 12 hr thing.


This school hols DS got Strep A and then scarlet fever. Only just come off the antibiotics now it's the last weekend. Had to take them on an emptly stomach, so between meals, and no eating between meals to a 6 yo is the pits. LIterally. Good job it was half term, I'd no work as house full of smalls, and a week off booked work would have financially crippled me.

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