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As you may already know I've gained two new chickens, this means that during the day the old girls are out freeranging while the new ones are safely shut up in the run.


5:00pm "Dad! I'm off to pick mum up, then we're going to the farm shop, meet you at the pub later? Don't forget the chickens!" (which I've had reminded him about throughout the day)


7:15pm (later on at the pub) "Hi dad, how's you? Have a pint, you put the chickens in ok?"

Dad: "Oh s##t."


Freshly pulled pints left on the bar, we race home in the car to find my poor hens with the broken torch. Honey was roosting up on top of the run so I grabbed her and stuffed her in the eggport. Then I catch the clucking sounds of Maple, following them, she had wedged her way underneath her favourite hedge for routling around in. Drew her out with the light from my mobile and swiftly put her safely back in the eglu.


Phew. Thank god they were both ok. Went back to pub and drank our pints. Dad, extreamly sorry and apologetic, so he bought the rounds. :wink:

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Aww, glad you found them. Starlet did something like that once with the old house. We hadn't shut them in a soon as it got dark as we'd been out for the day and we looked all around the garden for her. Then we heard a rustling noise and she'd crept ihn over the newspaper and gone to roost!

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