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Guest chookiehen


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I've just got back from work, and I feel the need to post this warning for anyone who ventures into the supermarket at any point.


I work for a major supermarket (sorry, sorry, but it pays some of the bills!) and while I sat in the stock control office, I noticed a memo from head office with delivery dates for the Christams stock.




Closely followed by the full Christmas range by the 29th September.




I have tried desperately to cancel the Christmas deliveries for a couple of weeks, but they are on automatic so there's no stopping them - sorry![/b]

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:shock::shock::shock: Aaaagh! Thanks for the warning, Shona :wink:

I'm in 2 sorts of retail :? so will be at Trade fair on Sun...no escape!

But our Oxfam area manager is letting us use discretion this year...retail shoppers bought very late last year (wisely waiting for the shops to panic & have Dec.sales) despite having launched Chrismas early Sept.

Good, we'll leave it a bit this year. 8)

And have a bit more Summer 8)8)

But I guarantee within a week, someone will have asked for Christmas cards, & say "well the other shops have them". :roll:

And I'll have to kick them :oops: sorry, go & fetch some cards.

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I want to go :evil: too, but I found myself sitting in the garden yesterday writing out a list of people for whom I regularly buy Christmas presents & trying to think of ideas of what to get. That's partly so I can spread the cost, and because I make some things as well, and I can't leave the home-made stuff until the last minute or I'll run out of time.

I always buy my cards from Kent Air Ambulance because I feel that it's an important charity to support, & expect their catalogue through any day now. Although I keep meaning to look, does anyone know if Jane Haworths battery hen charity sells cards? I'd buy some from her too this year if so.

But I tuck all my Christmas stuff away, my little guilty secret in Autumn, and I can't bear full on Christmas in the shops until much nearer the time. Son's birthday is Nov 23rd, so officially I refuse to even think about Christmas until after then.

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I this where I mention that I have already made most of this years chriistmas presents?


hampers containing homemade:


-damson wine

-damson gin

-damson jam

-blackberry wine

-blackberry jam

-christmas cakes

-lavinder soap

-lavinder bath salts

-pot puree (with dried fruits and nuts)



just need to make the christmas puddings, pies and cakes in october



he he

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Oh no! Thanks for that warning! The one that gets me most angry is easter eggs in the shops in January!


I had to work Boxing day last year, and yes, the first of the easter egg deliveries came in on Boxing Day evening.

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Most of our presents this year will be from World Vision - a bike for a midwife is the favourite at the moment. We were going to do that in January this year but donated the money to the Tsunami appeal instead.


I always start buying little bits while I am on holiday - it drives Carl mad but I just remind him that he's never been landed with a big shopping trip and all the expense in one month :roll: I hate shopping as much as he does so it suits us.


Man at Wyevale told us today that this weekend they are setting up for two weeks of Halloween stuff then it's straight into Christmas - it's the music that sends me running!

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Did that when I was nursing Louise and Shona so I understand. Not nice. We used to have either Christmas Day or New Years Day off on alternate years. I hated working Christmas Day. The only consolation (if you can call it that) was a free slightly congealed Christmas Dinner in the staff room from the ward trolley when the patients were all eating!

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I have done this since leaving school you get used to it.


I don't have children so being on call over the festive period is less of a hassle for me than for some :roll:


Don't like congealled gravy but if I can get away with it I will be having chicken curry for xmas dinner again this year :lol:

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Well, I'm going back on topic ( :shock: ) to say I haven't listened to the *warning* and I can't believe what I did yesterday, until a lady behind me in the queue commented on what was in my shopping basket.


1. T-Shirts for my holiday on Friday (Yipee - going to Ireland)

2. Toiletries

3. Christmas Cards




Can you beleive it? The lady said, isn't it terrible how it's only just September and already they've got xmas cards for sale! I must have been on automatic pilot, as the only reason I bought them was because I saw them and thought, oh they're gorgeous. I noramlly make all my own too....


I must have been in a daydreaming world of my own yesterday :roll:

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