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Broody Ark?

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Just thought I'd post this link here incase anyone is thinking about hatching this year ... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320095473619&rd=1&rd=1


These make great broody/chick accommodation and this one could be a real bargain.


Do you think Omlet will bring out a Mark 4 ... a baby version for the broodies amongst us???

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The Guinlu would work well as a broody ark - no need for a Mark4 :lol:


I use a Mark 1 or 2 Eglu with the roosting bars taken out for a while. Then I put the roosting bars in but on top of Aubiose and fill in most of the gaps with Aubiose so there is nowhere to get legs trapped. Eventually they use the roosting bars as normal and Aubiose in the droppings tray.

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Just a quick note for all those planning to hatch this year and are looking for a cheap and cheerful broody ark (instead of an excuse for another eglu :lol: ) ..... keep an eye on e-bay as this one only fetched its reserve of £30, which makes it a real bargain!



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Don't batter yourself too much Chocchick - some of them go for a lot of money. I think it all depends on timing, promotion and location. This one looked a bit grubby and in need of some tlc, but the clean and sparkly ones go for much more.

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