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Best breed for kids and eggs?

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Hello Debra, how did you go on today?


Have your girls settled in ok?


Hiya. Well as suspected I ended up with something completely different. We now have Dora (white Sussex type), Boots (Black Rock) and Swiper (Blue Belle). Millers had no POL so these girls are only 15 weeks old and a bit of growing to do yet. They were really scared when we got them home and had pooped everywhere in the cat box and then wouldn't get out of it into the Eglu. All huddled together in a little group but not long after they were picking around and walking up and down. Dora and Swiper went to bed fine, but Boots was still pacing at 9pm when all was dark but eventually got the message. All seemed ok again this morning although they didn't actually come rushing out of the Eglu as I thought they would. Gave them some lettuce which they really seemed to like and suppose it will just take a few days to settle in really. Someone has very runny/liquid poo however. Do you think this might be the changer from growers to layers pellets or something more sinister??????? How did you get on???

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Congratulations on your new ladies!! :lol:


DOn't worry about the poo, it will settle down as they do. Our girls did hideous poops for about three or four days initially, so bad I was threatening to send them back!! :roll:


Being young, they will have been unnerved by their experience and I'm sure they'll settle down soon. Enjoy!


Sue x :lol:8)

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We couldn't make it today as we were were waiting for "new to us" car to be delivered, so we are going tomorrow. He said he had some POL when I rang him last week - they must have gone! Hope that it will not be a problem to introduce them if they are only 15 weeks :?


I absolutely love the names you have chosen :D:D:D we were big Dora fans when George was younger.


I am sure it won't take them long to settle in - will let you know how we go on :wink:

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We couldn't make it today as we were were waiting for "new to us" car to be delivered, so we are going tomorrow. He said he had some POL when I rang him last week - they must have gone! Hope that it will not be a problem to introduce them if they are only 15 weeks :?


I absolutely love the names you have chosen :D:D:D we were big Dora fans when George was younger.


I am sure it won't take them long to settle in - will let you know how we go on :wink:


The lady we saw opened a huge shed with chickens inside and despite the fact there appeared to be hundreds in there from our point of view, she said they were "flying out of the door" and this was all they had left to last the whole of April. So there has obviously been a rush. Best ring first unless you are ok with the younger ones.


Daughter is big Dora fan so I thought why not? It suits them actually and they have calmed down more already. All took themselves off to bed last night with no issues (i.e. Boots wasn't still pacing up and down) and now come up to see you at the run edges if you bend down to talk to them so they are definitely settling in. Also didn't notice any squidy poo this morning so that's got to be a good sign.


I have to say this forum is ace - I've gained so many tips already!!! Hope you are successful with your purchases!

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I couldn't wait :oops:


We went today and there were some brown ones which were a bit older but we really wanted another Bluebelle so she took us to "the shed of many" and we decided on a Bluebelle and a Speckledy (which they called a Magpie???) They are so lovely and make a kind of squeaking noise instead of a cluck :)


We will have to keep them apart until they have grown up a bit but so far they both seem to be really friendly and I managed to clip their wings and catch them at bedtime ( they are sleeping in the shed) without any trauma.


We (my son and I) just can't make our minds up about names though yet. Will just have to see what seems to fit over the next few days.


I know where i will be spending my time tomorrow anyway :D

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