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Best breed for kids and eggs?

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Questions in the title really......having visited a local breeder for a 1 day course on chicken keeping I am totally confused and spoilt for choice. I have looked on the breeds thread here but was wondering if anyone had any input. I originally wanted Legbars cos they are a rare breed but breeder told me they are a bit of a handful. Fell in love with Leghorns same prob for being handled by kids. Pekin bantans cute as a button but sporadic layers of tiny eggs, am currently leaning towards Sussex. Help! :?

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Questions in the title really......having visited a local breeder for a 1 day course on chicken keeping I am totally confused and spoilt for choice. I have looked on the breeds thread here but was wondering if anyone had any input. I originally wanted Legbars cos they are a rare breed but breeder told me they are a bit of a handful. Fell in love with Leghorns same prob for being handled by kids. Pekin bantans cute as a button but sporadic layers of tiny eggs, am currently leaning towards Sussex. Help! :?


Were you by any chance on the same course as me, run at Myerscough by Ayside Poultry Arks?

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If you want regular layers then its best to go for a Hybrid like a Meadowsweet hen.

They do the Sussex Star,which is nice, a White Star which comes from the Leghorn & loads of others,all laying different colour eggs.

They (meadowsweet hens) are vaccinated against the nesties & will lay year round whereas others take the winter off.They are also less inclined to go broody on you :wink:

They have agents all over the country.

I have 5 Meadowsweet girls who are lovely.They all have different personalitys & are nice,friendly hens for a family to own.


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My Pekin Bantam is just about the tamest sweetest little thing - by far the most trusting chicken I've ever had. Due to the Pekin's small size, this breed would be very easy for children to handle.


Matilda started to lay at the beginning of March and we've had around 4-5 30 g eggs each week from her since.

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Our Gingernut Ranger was the most adorable, friendly, placid little love who you could have a "conversation" with (can't believe I just put that :oops: )


Our Bluebelle is a sweetie too but our Black Rock is a HAG!!!! Still love her though :D


Oh, and they both lay daily too :D

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I'd go for pure breeds.


I have two hybrids (that are lovely) who each give us an egg a day (for which we are grateful)

but we also have 3 bantams :lol:

the araucana looks funny and lays blue(ish) eggs,

the pekin frizzle looks like she is crossed with a lamb(pure white eggs)

and the little buff laced wyandotte (ream eggs) loves to sneak indoors and sit on the computer table to 'help' me work :lol:


I think that my kids are more excited by the weird and wonderful variety of chooks and their eggs. The hybrids are more reliable...but the bantams are more fun :wink:

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Our Gingernut Ranger was the most adorable, friendly, placid little love who you could have a "conversation" with (can't believe I just put that :oops: )



Some of my best conversations are with my GNR (says more about me than it does about her :?:oops:) burrr, bock bock bock burr.... :wink:

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By reading this it think it shows that its really down to the individual hen on the friendlyness side of things. As you can see from this thread http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?p=194309&highlight=#194309 two of my girls are very good with children. The other is and has always been more shy. She has a permanent limp though so I suspect some trauma in her earlier life.

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I'd give another vote for Bluebelles - I have 3 and all of them are friendly, tolerate being handled by the children very well, and are reliable layers of 6-7 eggs a week each.

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Hybrids are supposed to be fairly placid and good layers.

My Rhode Island Red is supposed to lay lots of eggs and be friendly. That is true, but she pecks me when I'm not looking occasionally, pulls feathers and makes the most noise of any chicken I've ever met :shock: Maybe it depends on the individual chicken, our RIR is just a bit antisocial but from what I've heard in general they should be good, but purebreed.

White chickens can be flighty and our amberstars were quite a lot as youngsters, but no problems at all after a certain age.


From what we've had our Gingernut (Meadowsweet) ranger and ISA Warren have been the best for eggs and being docile. We love the others to bits of course and in fact Trinny our Amberstar is lovely to handle. Susannah the amberstar was stand-offish and Megan the Welsummer is adorably cute but terrified of her own shadow.

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oh no - now I'm confused. Eglu arrived yesterday and collecting chickens next week. Was going for 3x Black Rocks but no-one seems to be mentioning them apart from one who is apparently a HAG!!! Want something very friendly and inquisitive and good with my 3 year old. What would you all say???

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oh no - now I'm confused. Eglu arrived yesterday and collecting chickens next week. Was going for 3x Black Rocks but no-one seems to be mentioning them apart from one who is apparently a HAG!!! Want something very friendly and inquisitive and good with my 3 year old. What would you all say???


It is us that has the HAG! Feel a bit awful now as I seem to have put you off :oops: . The reason I say she is a HAG is because she is not keen being picked up, she will let us but not for long. She was also the one that instigated all the bullying when we first got Clucky. I think though that all chickens have their own personality and maybe it is just cos Clucky and Vera are so friendly that my opinion of Hilda is such.


As a brand new chicken owner,I originally went for Blackrocks as I had done research on the net and I was impressed by their hardiness, egg laying and so on. I can honestly say though that in those areas there is no difference between her and my Bluebelle. They both lay every day(Although as Vera is smaller her eggs are too)


If I was you I would go to Millers and see what they have in. Last time we went she had Speckledies, Bluebelle, Amber Stars, Black Rocks and "brown" ones. I am sure you will see something you like.


I suppose you could have two of the same and their personalities would be different (like children!!)


Please let me know what you end up with as we too are going to Millers in the Easter Hols for another pair. Good luck :D

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I think it might help to see the chickens and choose your own. When I bought Fizz and Bella, I chose Fizz necause I wanted an araucana, but couldn't decide on a second chicken. The seller thought that Bella would not be the most suitable as campines are flighty. But as I stood in the pen, she trotted up to me and was very inquisitive (bearing in mind none of her chickens had been regularly handled). She has been the best of all my chickens - the one that lets the boys pick her up and cart her round the garden, and is very chatty and docile. So I would say meet them first and choose your own! :lol:8)

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Agree totally Snowy! My little sweet Izzy chose me! I wasn't going to have a white chicken at all........ but she was basically flapping into my arms to get out of the run from all the other chickens, and although she was picked on mercilessly by my existing chook when I got her home :evil: , she is now an absolute darling and loves being cuddled. :D:D

Make up your mind when you get there! :D

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oh no - now I'm confused. Eglu arrived yesterday and collecting chickens next week. Was going for 3x Black Rocks but no-one seems to be mentioning them apart from one who is apparently a HAG!!! Want something very friendly and inquisitive and good with my 3 year old. What would you all say???


It is us that has the HAG! Feel a bit awful now as I seem to have put you off :oops: . The reason I say she is a HAG is because she is not keen being picked up, she will let us but not for long. She was also the one that instigated all the bullying when we first got Clucky. I think though that all chickens have their own personality and maybe it is just cos Clucky and Vera are so friendly that my opinion of Hilda is such.


As a brand new chicken owner,I originally went for Blackrocks as I had done research on the net and I was impressed by their hardiness, egg laying and so on. I can honestly say though that in those areas there is no difference between her and my Bluebelle. They both lay every day(Although as Vera is smaller her eggs are too)


If I was you I would go to Millers and see what they have in. Last time we went she had Speckledies, Bluebelle, Amber Stars, Black Rocks and "brown" ones. I am sure you will see something you like.


I suppose you could have two of the same and their personalities would be different (like children!!)


Please let me know what you end up with as we too are going to Millers in the Easter Hols for another pair. Good luck :D





DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT - you've not put me off, like everyone says maybe my mindset will be different when I see what Millers have on Monday. My decision was based on stuff I've read and seeing a friend's two girls that was all - but who knows, might come back with something completely different. Anyway, will let you know. Just out of interest, whereabouts are you in Lancs?

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He he if you look at my sig you will see what we picked. The Bluebelle is a darling, rushes up to greet us and is happy to be handled, the Sussex is a terrible bully but placid with people and happy to fall asleep in your lap. Our Black Rock is far from a hag! She is a bit of a dumb blonde, gorgeous to look at but spends most of the day looking baffled :D

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