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Food Dehydrators

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Does anyone here have one?


I am thinking about different ways of preserving food especially fruit. Having done a search on the web the prices vary greatly. The cheapest at under £30 (QVC) the more expensive into the £100's.


Any advice, recommendations?

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Never had one, but always wanted one.


I think they used to be really expensive because they were difficult to get here, but were popular in America and so they were generally imported. I'd imagine the more expensive ones are just a throwback to that, whereas the cheapies are new UK manufactured ones, but thats just a guess...

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For me the dehydrator will be mainly used for drying fruit and herbs. You can also dry vegetables for soups and stews, and flowers for pot potpuri (sp?) :lol: You can also make fruit leathers from fruit purees which I image are like the fruit Winders you can buy, and which my children like.


There are a couple of books I would like from Amazon. I have decided to go for the dehydrator from QVC. When I chceked Amazon again their dehydrators were expensive (I thought I had seen a cheap one ).




Roll on payday :wink:

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I love mine and as Lesley says, I do dried apple rings as well as things like dried pear slices, pineapple rings etc and they are delicious. In the summer I'm going to dry tomatoes, peppers and strawberries too - if I remember :wink: . Mine was pretty cheap and works really well. It's quite big but sits happily on shelf in the larder out of the way when its not in use.

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I have this one, although I found it cheaper on ebay. I love it and use it a lot and for much more than preserving stuff. I'm gradually moving to a mainly raw food diet and you can make some amazing crackers, stuffed peppers and breads etc that are not heated above 40C so are therefore offically raw and very good for you.

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A raw food diet sounds interesting Trish. When I have got the hang of using one I might ask for receipes.


Welcome to any I have. There are soem good websites out there with free recipies too. Only dipping my toe at the moment. Cold weather sees me heading for comfort food but I do feel soo much better when I've had a couple of raw days so I'm going keep at it.

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