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... For a week the two boys have been playing diahorrea tag with me. Now it looks like the baby is winning, with 4 days straight exploding nappies.


I've about had enough, and so has he.


So has the washing machine.


So has the nappy bin.


So have my hands (from all the studious washing).


I love having children. :?

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It's awful when everyone has the 'squirts' - you think the smell will never go away! I had a 'poo' day yesterday - someone (as in a chicken!) had poo'd on the hose then I dragged it across the leg of my pyjamas, then I leaned over the top of the eglu and got poo all over the sleeve of my fleece (the big chicks have learned to jump up and sit, or should that be s*it on top of it!).

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It's awful when everyone has the 'squirts' - you think the smell will never go away! I had a 'poo' day yesterday - someone (as in a chicken!) had poo'd on the hose then I dragged it across the leg of my pyjamas, then I leaned over the top of the eglu and got poo all over the sleeve of my fleece (the big chicks have learned to jump up and sit, or should that be s*it on top of it!).


As the boys like to play in the chicken's run, my laundry bin has taken on a distinctly chicken pooey odour! :roll:


Hope the squits have eased up a bit this morning Helen! :D

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Aaaaah, the joys......


I remember that Duncan had a very dodgy tummy for weeks when he was about 4 months - we were trying to sell our flat at the time, and a lovely couple came to view. Just as we were showing them the livingroom there was an almighty 'THHHHHHUUUUURRP' from Duncan, and then the smell invaded........(almost as bad a Tigger :shock::shock::shock: ). I picked him up, to discover that his nappy wasn't quite up to the job :shock::shock:

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Not to that couple - they were very young, and terribly trendy, and I think the squitting baby put them off a tad, despite our assurances that he wasn't included in the sale!

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