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Can you help - collared dove

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Friend has found a collared dove, youngish but all feathered and pretty calm. It's now in our shed, in the trusty cat box. Seems to have a wing problem. I've found the beds wildlife trust but wonder who else can help us.


I can't get anywhere to take it unless it's really local, fully booked tomorrow.


Please any ideas I'll check am tomorrow :?



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The RSCPA will put it down. With a damaged wing it would probably be the kindest thing to do Buffie. It would never survive. How about calling the RSPB and see what advice they can give you? It's very sad when something like this happens.


Our cat caught a baby collared dove a few weeks ago. It was in such a terrible state of shock it died. The worst thing to see was the parents sat on the fence looking for their baby. Darren had to put the baby on the lawn for the parents to realise what had happened and not to keep looking. I cried. A lot.

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Thanks, it seemed fine first thing and very bright. There is a great wildlife rescue and I would have called them. Sadly it died in my hands this morning about 6.30. Oddly enough I think it was it's heart as it heard the chickens. I think that sound was the cause. Large birds I suppose. :?


Well a new day, needy animals seem to find us don't they. At least it had a peaceful end and not an attack of some sort



Thanks again



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That's sad Buffie :( They are lovely birds - we have a pair nesting in our laurel hedge - they sit together and bill and coo on the branches; so in love :D


A couple of years back, phil and I rescued a pigeon that had been mauled by a cat - took it to the vet as it was still alive the next day. It ended up recuperating and being released.


You did the best thing Hon.

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