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HI Susan...


I've just moved your post into the chickens section. You'll get more replies here.


I've never had a broody before, but I know many people put a house brick (or similar) in the nest to stop the hens sitting. Have a look through the topics in the Chicken forum and there might be some more info for you.

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Bunty is broody again, I have just left her to it she pops out three times a day to get food and water and to have a poo and then sits on an empty nest................ :roll: In the morning when I let them out there is always an egg layed by Ginger underneath her, Ginger stands on top of her and lays an egg and then Bunty sits on it, she pecks me and grumbles when I remove it, but it is just tough, I am down to one egg a day again and Emily eats that for breakfast............ :lol::lol:

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I have a double problem, Beatrice (cream Legbar) is broody again, however she is not sitting in the eglu, she flys - not a pretty sight - over the electric fencing after bouncing up and down a few time to gear herself up, and sits all spread out and fluffed up behind the pond!! In desparation I clipped the other wing, first is as short as I dare, but to no avail. So plan B is to buy an extra water container, and from tomorrow keep her in the eglu with food and water and keep the others free out of the eglu but inside the electric fencing, with separate food etc. They have alredy abandoned the eglu with regard to laying and now lay in what was a "make shift" home while we introduced the Legbars. Hey ho such is chicken life. :roll:

PS have tried the stern telling off on Beatrice she just hisses at me!!!!!!

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I went home for lunch to find an egg in the middle of the lawn :? Now, did Fleur just think that it was a good place at the time? Did she get caught short? Is she 'egg incontinent'?



I found an egg under the trampoline today! i think the rhythm of emily bouncing must have created a different sort of motion! :shock:

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