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Black RockStar

Lawnmower noise

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We made sure that we started the mower as far away from them as possible and gradually mowed nearer and nearer. They didn't seem too bothered by the time it got close to them (after about 1/2 an hour).

Good luck!! They will get used to it, even if it does upset them a bit at first.

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I was worried about this too.


I cut our lawn with the petrol mower the day after the chooks arrived. Didn't seem to bother them one bit. They had a quick look and then continued s"Ooops, word censored!"ing and eating :roll:


Seriously laid back chooks 8)





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My chickens were so terrified by my Flymo that I couldn't continue. They didn't worry when the noise was a reasonable distance away, but every time I came within a few feet of them they were panic-stricken.


I now make a net run for them away from the grass whenever I want to cut it.

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Our two run for cover, and lurk in the undergrowth making worried noises. I tend to mow the lawn when they are out of the run, so that they can go where they feel most comfortable.


A few weeks ago someone was using a chainsaw 3 or 4 gardens away, and the girls went ballistic - Victoria was hiding as close to the house as possible, and I had to pick her up to calm her down. They did get less concerned as time went by, so I suspect that your chooks (and ours) will eventually get more relaxed about mowers.



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Sybil and Pollo were totally unconcerned about living next door to a building site when our neighbours had their house practically rebuilt - and sometimes the diggers and other power machines were really loud and made the house and backyard vibrate.


What does put them into alert mode and even start them squawking is when I pump up the vacuum thing on my sprayer. It is full of foul smelling horsetail tea which is supposed to be an organic fungicide. The sound isn't even that loud but something about it upsets them. The do recover as soon as I stop pumping though :D

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Yeah i was a bit worried but no probs. I got the girls back into the run. When i cut the lawn whenever i came close they went into the eglu, when i went away they came out again. When everything was over i let the run open and they came out as though nothing had happened. that was the first time so i imagine things will only get better

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We had good egg production last week and this week only 2 eggs. I was trying to think of reasons for this and remembered that the guy next door had a hedge-trimmer out all Sunday afternoon, kept stopping and starting, and the girls were a bit distressed - frozen to the spot looking startled one minute then pacing up and down nervously the next.

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Mine freerange - so I just started it up - moisy petrol mower - no discernable reaction at all - then spot got cocky, and every tme I empty the grass box - she's all over the mower - and now follows me round, occasionally dive-bombing from the side..


I guess she's waiting for the bits of a mangled frog....


stupid chicken...



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