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Mel (& Paul)

I hate work

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I am SO fed up. Work is pants - its worse than pants its double pants.

I love my job but it is so stressful that I think I am going to lose it soon :evil:

I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing that keeps me sane is the woggles the chooks (oh and I better mention my husband too)

There must be more to life than this - only problem is mortgage means that I am a slave until I die :evil:

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Feel better now Mel :wink: ?


I'm lucky in that I work from home and although I am only supposed to do a couple of hours a day, as it's e-mail based work, I'm checking every time I go past and find that I don't get a lot else done as a result. All the "me" time is now "work" time or time spent sorting out log in problems here!


There's also all the cooking to do - we don't buy anything ready made except breakfast cereal so I make the bread, the butter, the cheese (most of the time), the cakes, yogurt, biscuits, puddings, jam, lemonade and all the meals from scratch every day which again eats into "me" time so even though I'm working a fraction of your hours, I can't sit back and enjoy life - too much else to do!


Still, I'd rather be here at home than out all day so I'm a very happy bunny in that respect and wouldn't swap it for the world! I work for a great bunch of people and that makes it all worthwhile - and it's fun too.

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Sorry, :oops::oops::oops: I rather went off one :oops::oops: - just be grateful I had got in (having been up since 5am, done some dictation, gone into the office near Portsmouth, done an appointment and come back to do MORE dictation :evil: ) and seen the chooks and woggles first - otherwise my language would have been well and truly BLUE and I would have been severely modified. I do like what I do, but the managers are yuk :x - they obviuosly dont think I have a life or want to do anything but work 13 hour days. :evil::x:evil::x:evil::x

I shall content myself about living the good life and cooking all day ... sigh.. :cry:

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I know how you feel Mel


I often get like that; I work a 40 hour week just to keep a roof over our heads, then go home to being a single mum. Sometimes there is too much month left at the end of the money and I get realy stressed, but then I look at what I HAVE got - we still have the house, my little girl and assorted animal are healthy. I have got a lovely chap (who lives up the road). This keeps me sane and gets me through it.


It's good to have a real old grizzle and get it off your chest to someone - we'll listen to you. Just relax now - have a cup of tea and take a deep breath - the work will still be there when you go back to it, but your health is more important!


Keep your beak up Mel


Hugs from all of us

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Exactly. The good thing is having a job you like and not one that you dread every morning. I had a job working in a school and I got all the sh***y kids to work with and every morning, I'd look at a big tree on a bend on the way in and think how easy it would be to drive straight into it and I wouldn't have to go in again. Stupid really - I quit instead!


The other good thing is coming home at night and forgetting all about it till morning! Then there's the Bank Holidays, the annual leave, Christmas holidays......then you retire :wink::lol: !!

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Oh Dan, what a lovely idea.......


I am faced with all the students just starting to filter back. Most of them are lovely, but some are a real pain in the behind. Only another week before they all reappear and life gets even busier.


My OH and I also wile away the evenings fantasising about moving to a detached house in the country with a few acres so that we could have a whole bank of eglus and lots of happy hens (plus ducks, anglo-nubian goats and a sheep or two).

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Now I know why there are so many posts during working hours :wink: . I only log on if my computer is tied up doing complicated things and I can't do anything else until it has finished. Honest :oops: .


We also seem to spend all our time trying to work out how to get a house with more land for more chickens, vegetables, view... and less time spent commuting. I do about 40 minutes each way every day - there must be something better to do with an hour and 20 minutes a day. (Actually there is, see comments about effects of home produced eggs elsewhere :oops: )


Have we just got to the age where we start thinking like this or has it all gone mad?


Ah. Computer's finished, time to log off and go home!



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Is all work that stressful?

I mean i dont know because I havent started yet :?


Well, the work isn't necessarily stressful. When you start work it can be great. I've been doing what I do for 20 years and I'm lucky, the work is still terrifically interesting. What I find stressful as I get older is other people (company, government etc) creating rules and procedures to make their jobs easier and mine harder.


I just want to get on with the job!!! :evil:


I must stop this and be positive, relaxed, happy... breathe deeply, get someone to rub my shoulders.... ahhh, thats better..


Sorry about that.



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Woo.... aren't we a miserable bunch? This thread is going the same way as the cold one, so I'll tell you about my week and see if you can top it....Hey, if it makes you all feel better, then that's great!

Called away from home on Saturday afternoon, as Father in Law is in hospital and we were told death was iminent. Spent the whole night at the hospital by his bedside. He is still hanging on: he has rallied a bit. He is still in a coma. I came home on Sunday night, leaving OH up there to stay by the bedside.

Monday: Two parents at my school (I'm currently Acting Head) had a punch up in the playground, in front of the 200+ children. I had to go out there, get the kids in and call the police.

Monday afternoon: A child ran out of school. I had to call the police! (again)

Tuesday: Had a phone call from our architect to say that the building work we have been waiting for for over a year to get under way, will start next Monday. So, I have 5 days to pack up the entire house and move everything into storage. Oh yes, and find somewhere to live for the next 20 weeks......

But guess what? Things could be so much worse: I'm healthy, have a wonderful husband, supportive family, a well paid job, a beautiful (alright, soon to be wrecked) home, brilliant friends, lovely animals, we live in a free country etc. etc. etc.


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You are absolutely right. We should spend more time being grateful for what we do have that's wonderful. Sorry you had such a dismal week though - mine was nothing like that bad! Hope you get things sorted out and that next week is better!



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No no, far too scary! BIG ladies!! Tatoos, earrings, knuckle dusters..you get the picture?

Should have videoed it....could have probably sold it for a lot of money on Ebay!! :lol::lol:


Sounds just like Banbury Annie!


I saw this lovely vision the other morning; she (I think it was a woman) was about 6 ft tall, built like a brick toilet, had multiple piercings and tattoos all over her (mostly exposed) chest - a bit much for 8.30am!


Still, I love my job; I work for lovely people. I'd just rather be at home, there's sooo much to do including watching the chickens!


I went to close the Eglu door tonight, and they were twitttering away to each other inside, so I told them to be quiet and put the light out - just like Rosie really!


Think positive, deep breathe and quell the urge to beat someone's brains out! It works, sometimes

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