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Ripening tomatoes.....

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I am awash with green tomatoes....I think the season is over, and have been starting to take them off my plants.

Is it true that if you put green tomatoes with a banana then they ripen quicker?.....or does anyone have any other tips for ripening?


And no, I'm NOT making green tomato chutney :lol: - it'll just sit and mould in the back of a cupboard if I do!!

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I've got loads of green tomatoes :( . I am busily trying to ripen them, brown paper bag having been located and a drawer allocated, but if they all ripen simultaneously I'll end up with a glut of ripe tomatoes :roll: So now I'm on the hunt for a nice green tomato chutney recipe. Has anyone got one that they can recommend. The one and only time I ever tried to make it was several years ago, and is was disgusting. All that effort, then I had one spoonful......... and chucked the rest away immediately :shock: I think I must have got the recipe wrong somewhere along the line :?

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don't forget that if you have a glut of red toms, you can always peel and deseed them and freeze them for cooking with - highly superior to tinned ones and make fab tom soup in the winter. I've just got a new gadget which is supposed to turn toms into passata with a few turns of a handle - if it really works I'll post details. :D

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Thanks for the ideas, if my banana trick works I'll definitely be trying your oven roasting recipe Kate, that's a new one to me, but it sounds scrummy. I do make big batches of passata throughout the summer, it freezes beautifully, but that gadget sounds tempting because I do find preparing them a bit laborious at times. I'll wait to hear your assessment first though, I've got kitchen cupboards full of gadgets that sounded good at the time, but that I never use now :roll:

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Wow, wow, wow - the passata gadget really works :D:D:D


Even my glut of ripe cherry toms were reduced to passata in seconds :lol::lol:


You can buy it here


It was easy to assemble, the box is sturdy enough to keep it in, and washing was a doddle. I passed the skin and bits through a second time and got even more passata out so it is worth doing this. It is a real passata though - if you want pieces of skinned tom for a recipe you'll need to do it the slow way. A few seeds did come through, perhaps cherry tom seeds are a bit smaller, but lots were trapped with the skin. It isn't as thick as purchased passata but they do say you can use a very fine sieve, or muslin with a regular sieve, to remove some of the water.


I certainly feel it deserves a place in my overcrowded cupboards. I'm going to buy some of their special seeds for italian tomatoes bred for passata :D

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:idea: Just thought I would update you all on how successful the paper bag/banana thing was :wink: .


1st lot ... pretty good ... 2nd lot, not so good.


Did notice this afternoon, a frind has a pile of big tomatoes still on the plants outside .. so will mention the method to her.


In conclusion ...it worked ... but maybe not to my expectations. :wink:

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