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3 chickens in eglu and standard pen permanently

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My eglu should arrive Wed or Thursday and I reading up on al the threads on here to get as much info as I can before I collect the girls ...One thing that I am wondering is if I have to keep three hens in the eglu and standard run all the time will they be OK? I worry that there won't be enough room.

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Hiya - mine have been in their eglu & run for nearly a year now - I am now thinking of letting them free range a bit soon. But I have to say, they are absolutely fine, perky, fit, trim & tame. All I would suggest is when you have time, spend as much of it as you can with your chooks. Talk to them, handfeed them treats & when they go in the eglu, give them a little pat goodnight or a little lift out & a cuddle. I also add a bit of interest often in the run...a log, hang up cd's & mirrors, hang up green veggies, give them a tray of cress. Just give them as much love & attention as possible & they will be fine. If they lay and chuckle to you when in the garden, they are happy.



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Oh thanks Emma for that reply...that sounds OK then. I am hoping to make a safe enclosure for them but it will be in a month or so's time.

I will definately spend a lot of time with thema s you suggest to make them people friendly as quickly as possible.


I am feeling a bit down at the moment as I have just been to a local small holding suppliers for my Layers mash/ chickens spice/ artificial eggs/ redmite dust and grit so I am really all prepared for when I get 3 rescue hens and I have nearly come to blows with the women in there, as she is so negative about the "eglu" and my getting rescue hens!!

Saying it would be" kinder to wring their necks"...I am absolutley disgusted :shock::shock: with her attitude to ex battery hens and I don't care wether she has kept hens since she was 10 years old or not I have never been so patronised or insulted in all my life! :cry:

Needless to say I shall not be buying from there!!..

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Oh what an evil woman! :evil: I would want to wring her neck if she spoke like that. :twisted:

Some people don't understand chickens & eglus. I think if you have chickens & an eglu, you are one of a kind & if they are ex battery, then you are that extra bit a special person!


I hope they will bring you mus look like ch joy - love ex battery hens as they alwaythey are wearing little bonnets, due to their floppy combs.


Well done you & tell that woman to stick her pet supplies up her gonga!!!!(please don't edit).



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