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Marigold is gone

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Feeling very sad, as I found Marigold had died over night. She'd been poorly on & off for a few months (we think with peritonitis ... see chicken clinic). After another trip to the vets yesterday, and a dose of Metacam, she seemed to perk up a little and ate something, but was still finding it hard to breathe with her swollen abdomen etc. I think her heart probably just gave in.


Although it was heartbreaking to find her this morning (I felt she had really come to realise that we were trying to help her the last few days, looney as that sounds!) ... I am glad she's not suffering any more and at least she got to feel the Spring sunshine for a few weeks longer.


I know that it sounds like alot of hens are poorly at the moment, so I just want to say that these things do not happen all the time and, as I see it, I learn a little more about hen-keeping each time, which will help me deal with any future problems. At the end of the day, these hens have a pretty pampered life compared to some, so I'm just glad to give them a good home. I still have my two new girls Hunni & Treacle to make me smile!


It really helps to be able to talk to you guys on the forum ... you are all so understanding!


RIP Marigold.x

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Thanks everyone. Tina .... yes, I just didn't want the 'new' hen keepers amongst us to be put off by the recent sad stories, these things can happen with any pet I guess. I would still go through it all again and still get so much pleasure from these lovely creatures!

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I noticed you mention that the two new girls can make you smile.....They do put a smile on our faces don't they?

Everytime I go to see what my three are up to I smile as soon as I see them.

I'm so sorry to hear you have lost one of your chickens :( but I'm glad that you still have some to make you smile.

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Sorry Lindsay to hear your sad news :cry:


You are exactly like me though, I try to see the positive in everything and Im glad that you are thinking about the wonderful life she had with you, it does make it feel a little bit better doesnt it?

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Thanks everyone .... yes Chickenlass, I'm always laughing at my girls (and talking to them in funny voices ... oops, the neighbours :oops: ) .. love your horse, by the way!


Chelsea ... yes, staying positive is hard sometimes, but reaps big rewards if you can manage it!!

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Thanks everyone .... yes Chickenlass, I'm always laughing at my girls (and talking to them in funny voices ... oops, the neighbours :oops: ) .. love your horse, by the way!



LOL....I think my immediate neigbours must be used to me talking all mushy and silly to animals... I run a cattery and I always talk to the cats as if they were children :oops:

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