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The drumming being the Doctor Who theme was a bit contrived and Jules and Harry kept doing it on doors etc. all weekend which was a bit annoying(!) but on the whole it was good! :D


We've had that too!! :lol::lol::lol:

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The drumming being the Doctor Who theme was a bit contrived and Jules and Harry kept doing it on doors etc. all weekend which was a bit annoying(!) but on the whole it was good! :D


We've had that too!! :lol::lol::lol:


:lol: Esther did that this evening and I did find it sinister, and actually quite a clever idea. 5 days after the programme, yet a simple tapping made it jump right back into my mind.


Also, I didn't find it contrived being the theme tune. Partly because it is such a good beat and recognisible, clever stuff.

Secondly, I felt so pleased with myself when I was the first to say "Oh, listen, it's the theme music!"

Until all the family went :roll::roll: etc. Oh well, I was happy. :lol:

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With hindsight we now know that S3 has been great (possibly the best)? And we also know that the RTD stories stand out from the rest like flashing beacons as being absolute rubbish! Hopeless! (Do you think he realises how weak he is compared with everyone else)?


RTD stories are formulaic - lots of family / relationship stuff (PLEASE stop going on about Rose) that was cool in S1 but is very tiresome now and then we have stories set at the end of the universe / world with lots of rubbish aliens and weak make-up. The "chen" "tow" thing with that blue alien was more annoying than anything I can remember (since the last RTD story)!


I was pleased to see John Simm as The Master and I am a huge fan (and despite the campness he seemed to be quite brutal in the role so that will be good).

Regards Production Crew for next year; Crossie keeps telling me that the scarecrow people are going to be running S4 - I hope so (the scarecrow story was ACE) but I'll believe it when I see it. I think RTD will have his talentless claws into this show for the foreseeable...


In conclusion Utopia was rubbish except for the last few minutes which were brilliant - but only because I was excited about The Master and John Simm and Delgado's voice!

I thought Episode 13 was ace ( :wink: ). I'm starting to come round to Dan's comments about RTD though, the other episodes were so much better than his, I've never really followed who wrote what before. The blue alien and the drums pop music really didn't come off Episode 12.

I do quite like the emotional stuff though, and really like some of the Dr Who music (the Martha goes onto Earth on her own at the end of episode 12/Rose being on the other side of the wall to the Dr).

John Simm was fantastic,I did almost cheer when saw he was in it.





Not convinced by the Dr being incapacitated/small gollum-like creature

What is the casting situation for Christmas/S4? I've not been convinced by Martha.

Thinking of my ideal Dr/companion on holiday I think Sheridan Smith (who OH said is on the audio series) would be really good. He thinks Charley from the audio series would be good.

If only John Simm could be the Dr.


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Well I think there were bits that were good and bits that were bad

I think I can agree with Daniel and blame RTD for the bad bits and credit everyone else witht he good. Shame Marthas going I think shes being made a scapegoat for RTDs rubbishenss and shes not that bad really.

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just who did take The Master's ring
I thought the ring was taken by the wife of the master or something?

I think it WAS Mrs Saxon, the master's wife who took the ring- we watched the confidential programme & the hand that took the ring had red fingernails like she had....

Do you think she looked like she had been being hit by the master, she had bruises & marks under her right eye?

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