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Today I Picked.........

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A freebie! - how wonderful! :D


I did find a potato when tidying the barns on Tuesday - it had grown 3' of foliage and had two tiny new potatoes! - and no soil :shock:


We picked another 6lbs of tomatoes - and still have quite a few to come. Also, a load of baby aubergines. Guess what I'll be cooking today? :roll:

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40 lbs of cooking apples :shock: these from one tree. All but 2 blown off the tree in the high winds yesterday. I left some of the smallest ones but may go back tomorrow for them.


11 lbs of eating apples. these are a fraction of the amount on one tree. We have five eating apple trees. All of the apples have scabby brown spots and the ones I picked were the best of the bunch. Just wondering if I can justify buying an apple press :think: and freezing the juice. I am not sure what the varities are and the one I bit into was very hard and not ripe.


1lb of Blackberries. I had to the fight the Yorkshire girls for these as they had followed me up to the veg garden.


1/2 lb of Pears. tiny little things from a young tree I think. Hard as nails :lol: , but maybe they will ripen in the fruit bowl.


Tonight I plan to sit infront of the fire and peel and chop the cookers for the freezer.

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today we went to hire a fruit press (to make cider) - given your 'address' this may not be an option for you but perhaps worth a thought? We'll probably make a small quantity of juice as well - I'll report back on ease of operation assuming I remember (oh and the price - which I have already forgotten!)

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Had a lovely digging session at the lottie in preparation for the onion sets/seeds, overwintering peas and spring onions which go in next weekend. Picked the last few runner beans which are still small enough to be tender and delicious, a courgette, some swiss chard for the hens, some borlotti bean pods so we can dry the beans for winter stews and we unearthed some potatoes we'd missed when we dug them so they're for dinner this evening :lol: . While we were there, we saw father in law who gave us an Australian green pumpkin, big butternut squash and a trug of pears :D .

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Supper at Lesleys house tomorrow then? :lol:


Not if you saw the state of my kitchen! - it's covered in bowls of juice and dripping jelly bags! :lol:


Lucky you - having parsnips.....I can never grow them :(


We have leeks, spinach and mangy brassicas which I'm hoping will recover from the caterpillar attack.

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What an impressive harvest session.

My parsnips didn't do too well this year and of those that are left, the girls are doing their damnedest to dig them up too. :( We seem to have a big comfrey plant growing from the middle of the patch so that doesn't help - any ideas how to kill off comfrey, anyone?

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just to say the fruit press cost £7.50 a day to hire. We used about 10 boxes (maybe 100lbs!) of apples to produce 10 gallons of juice and it took about 5 hours of effort so if any of you have surpluses/windfalls this could be a way to go - particularly if there is a group of friends or neighbours with a number of trees each.

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unfortunately local - and at the other end of the country from you. Its a brewing supplies shop, if you want to search online for something similar. I've also seen a local vineyard offering to press people's fruit for a fee - but I don't think whisky distilleries do pressing do they?! You will need somebody with a bit of muscle to get as much juice as possible out of the pulp. Its like tightening a screw - we can all do it, but some can get it tighter than others. Being a bear of very little strength I spent the day chopping the fruit in half/quarters/eighths to go into the hopper.

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