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Halloween Egg!!!!!!!!

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When I shut the hens away yesterday it was dark. I checked on them through the eggport and there they were all settled for the night. I popped the door shut and skipped back indoors. All normal so far ...


This morning when letting them out something beautiful caught my eye - it was just sitting there in the run - it was small and turquoise and perfectly formed!!!!!


Someone must have laid me a Halloween Egg! . It definately wasn't there on Sunday so they must have laid it yesterday. I don't know who layed it but I am so happy! :D:D:D:D I really was beginning to give up hope. I've already taken some snaps and will be posting piccies in First Egg Gallery at the weekend. (I may even get round to putting a piccie of me up ... not sure how I've managed to get away with it for this long? :?:wink: )

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Thanks Ladies - It was soooo exciting - I shouted so loudly for OH that he thought a fox must have got them. Then he came to the window and saw me leaping round the garden in my dressing gown and wellies shouting "It's an egg! It's an egg!" :roll::roll::roll:


It's a very good egg too. Quite small but perfectly formed albeit a bit grubby. :D

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I don't know that my skipping round the garden in my nightwear really counts as a good egg dance - I might need a demonstration of some good steps Clare - perhaps when/if there's an Omlet party you could show everyone your moves! :wink:

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I don't know that my skipping round the garden in my nightwear really counts as a good egg dance - I might need a demonstration of some good steps Clare - perhaps when/if there's an Omlet party you could show everyone your moves! :wink:


Ok Red, I'll do the egg dance - just involves dancing around like a maniac really :roll::roll:


Lesley can help me to demonstrate the timewarp - that'll be fun. The OH's wil be going :roll::roll::oops:


You sound like a girl after my own heart!

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Legbars eggs come in really great colours. In Tesco's now you can get 1/2 a dozen Legbar eggs. Had a look as I was being nosey and they are such fantastic colours! Wish I had a hen which laid blue eggs never mind, I get lovely light pink to brown !egg!!egg!!egg!


It's weird with one of my (Bluebelle) Starlet as she lays brown eggs which are only speckled on one end!!!

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