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First egg - wayhey!

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Got home from work today, wandered down the garden (much noise from the girls as usual) and opened the run door as usual - both girls came running out and started pecking around.


Opened the egg-port as usual, just to check and low and behold there was a beautiful egg waiting for me! :dance:


Not sure who laid it. When they arrived we were told by the MFO that Audrey was about 10 days younger than Greta. Greta is slightly bigger and looks more 'filled out' than Audrey but then Audrey started crouching before Greta last week. Will have to wait until we're around at the weekend to see who it is :D


When Chris came home from work I told him that one of them had obviously eaten something that disagreed with her as she'd made a right mess of the roosting bars. He went down the garden with the hose and came running back up moments later, egg in hand with a grin across his face that looked like Wallace!


He's taken it round to several neighbours and is taking it to work tomorrow as everyone keeps asking him :D



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Great stuff - can't wait for that excitement myself. I think I will try like you to get someone else to "discover" it - DS would be very excited.

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Congrats on the egg. It took me weeks to work out which of mine were laying. Make sure you weigh the egg, then you can see the progress as they get bigger. My first egg laying girl only started a while ago and is now producing large eggs (supermarket large that is not the whoppers others on here get....).

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BTW, my theory is it would be Greta's egg.


I think the same as she does look more developed than Audrey. Plus when the MFO delivered them he said that she was about 10 days older than Audrey.


Chris on the other hand thinks it's Audrey's :D



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When Chris got home today there was another egg waiting for him in the nest box. However, whilst leveling the bark chippings in the run area, he noticed something poking out. It was an even smaller egg than the first one!


We now think that the first egg was laid on Monday and whoever was responsible was taken a little by surprise and laid it where she was. She then went on to discover the nest box on the following day.


So now we have four little beauties - each one slightly heavier than its predecessor :D


More time for egg dancing :dance:



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BTW, my theory is it would be Greta's egg.


We're now fairly certain that the eggs are coming from Audrey. We let them out this morning and there was no sign of an egg. The came up the garden and were pootling about just outside the conservatory.


Whilst we were eating breakfast we noticed that Greta was on her own and there was no sign of Audrey. This in itself is unusual as Audrey normally follows Greta about wherever she goes.


After we'd finished breakfast I went down the garden and Audrey was right at the bottom - checked the Eglu and there was a still-warm egg :D


Short of actually catching whoever it is 'in the act', I think this is the best indication we're going to get!



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