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Laterally thinking.....

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I'm very pleased to tell you that you're wrong :D


I'll keep everyone in suspense a little longer before revealing all :shock:


Vigo, please don't give the answer away as there's a whole explanation to go along with it.






Just a test to see if you can read this supposedly invisible text.

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I was thinking of using the 'invisible' text to post the answer. That way those that wanted to know could see and those that didn't wouldn't :?


There is a slightly longer version of the answer than that which you gave, all will be revealed shortly :D





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She was hoping that the chap would appear at the funeral of her sister so that she could see him again.


If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath :shock::shock::shock:


This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Aparently many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly.


If you didn't answer the question correctly - good for you!


If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off of my email list unless that will hack you off, in which case I'll just be extra nice to you from now on.






P.S. I'm now really worried about Vigo who got the answer right :lol:

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