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Poultry Spice

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I've not used the spice before. :( But I'm sure I've read posts that say people put it straight in with the pellets. I remember reading one post that suggested to use it in winter to help with laying. I'm sure someelse will have better advice. :?

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I put a bit of poultry spice in with treats like cooked pasta or rice as it sticks really nicely to that. And the girls gobble it up within seconds so I know it's all been eaten. However, I don't give them those treats everyday so maybe adding some to oil and mixing in with pellets is a better idea....?

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I give them some as an occasional treat in a type of porridge (just oats, water and poultry spice mixed together) Is particuarly nice for them to have something hot with the added vits that the poultry spice gives them in the winter. I have it for my breakfast to... :wink::wink:


do you really eat it? :shock:

what does it taste like? :shock:


I like the idea of giving the girls porridge for breakfast :D

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I've felt so sorry for mine in the wet weather recently, so at weekends I make them porridge with water, and put some raisins in. They absolutely love it - I put it in a plastic tray (I save the ones from Chinese take-aways) and put it in the run and they scoff the lot.


haven't used poultry spice yet, but that sounds like a good way to get it to them!

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Hi, I sprinkle it on the pellets and it sticks fine, course the chickens then refuse to eat any pellets....... :roll:

Then I give up, throw the poultry spiced pellets away and give them some more fresh ones. Once they've finished looking at them like they're poison, and at me like I'm trying to murder them, they start eating them again.

Who would have thought such a small brained creature could be so stubborn, or so sneaky!



Mrs Bertie

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