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Can I just say Please don't let Jeremy and Jane win


Not many things make me cross but he is horrible and she just cries, she permanently has a tissue in her hand, he smirks all the way through the programme, I can't bear people who smirk :evil:


I love the twins though, the team were a bit tough on them tonight

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I know their overall profit was impressive....but to get a booking for a table of TWENTY and then mess it up is absolutely inexcusable.


I am really surprised that Raymond didn't give them a rollicking for that. :shock:


Jeremy just couldn't see that there was a problem.....and she went into her usual feeble pathetic snivel mode.


Don't they realise that every one of those twenty people will tell at least five others of their poor experience and they in turn will tell 3 others, so the bad publicity will spread out to at least 300 other people. :roll:


And then he has the nerve to say that she's very emotional and he always supports her.


Laura and Grant's singing was horrendous....but they are likeable enough.


Adwoa and Lloyd got it badly wrong in many ways this week.


My money is still on the twins.....but I agree with the reasons why the critics didn't like the can can routine. I don't think for a moment though that the girls meant to flaunt themselves.

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A good review of the episode , as usual Egluntine :D


The more I watch this though, the more staged it seems, who in their right mind would stand in a supermarket car park and hand out flyers


Also the way they have full restaurants one day and empty the next, depending on who seems to be favourite for that week


I think Laura fancies a career in the music industry, she seems to sing in every episode and not well either :wink:

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It is VERY staged Debs, which rankled with me once I realised that.


The Beeb phone round to get customers - that's how we got on it (not sure whether the contestants realised that though), so all the rubbish about touting for business is pants! They also created situations by doing things like phoning up the sous-chef and telling them to phone in sick the next day, and cancelling deliveries - one of the reasons that I haven't bothered to watch the rest of the series.

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You can tell its so obviously staged Clare


You can tell when someone has an 'idea' that someone has told them what idea to have


I suppose a load of people working very hard and doing things right wouldn't make good TV


I'll just have to stick it out to the end to find out who wins, but if it's Jane and Jeremy :evil:


I think though that Raymond and the team like the idea of the fancy 8 course concept

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Phil reckons that Jane and Jeremy will be out at this challange and that it will be between Lloyd and Adua and the twins. He says that Raymond obviously fancies the twins :roll: I must say that from the bit I saw, they seem very professional for young 'uns and willing to muck in and get on with it.


I might watch the last one.

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I can't stand Jeremy either. Yesterday when his wife was in one of her floods of tears, he did nothing. He didn't put his arm round her, or stroke her arm, or anything, then he has the cheek to say he's there to support her!


AQnd not following up on that table of twenty! What an opportunity to make a good impression and to really make the customer feel special.


I was really hoping they would go out last week. I know the couple that did go out (the Bravo! couple) wouldn't have won, but they finally found a concept they could work with. And they were such a pleasnat pair. She was so gratful to Raymond, unlike that awful woman (the one who was in it with her son) and was so snotty afterwards.


I don't normally watch any reality TV, but I can't stop myself watching this.

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