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Dare I say it?? Home made Christmas Gifts?

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theres a place called http://www.bathbomb.biz/ which sells kits which are really easy to follow for bath bombs and melts and lots of ingredients. That's where i got a melts kit for chocolate bath melts in petit four cases, and they smell heavenly :D


edit- they've also got a ebay shop, but it's closed till the 31st agust whilst they redo it, it's where i buy ingredients like shea butter and cocoa butter. :)

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Just imagine what you could do with 2 bendy men!


Are all Emma's a bit naughty? Cos I thought the same - a few soaps on ropes for adults! :wink:


I'm going to attempt some of the bath floaters at weeekend if I can locate Shea butter.

Wonder if they's sell it at a health shop?

I've seen some on ebay - but I want it NOW!!!!!


I'm going to sew a golly later - that I've been wanting to make up for ages. He's lovely!



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Gina i love the look of the little yellow bendy men on the front page of the bathbombs website - do you know what they are and where to find them?



Emma, you can get the little bendy men from Hawkins Bazaar as well (25p each), and it's a really good source of weird pressies too! There's a few chicken themed bits and bobs on the site :D



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Just had a very quick glance around this link, should be doing housework :oops:


But would just like to say thanks to everyone who has posted such fantastic ideas


The chocolatey things in petit four cases will make great pressies for teachers at school, I usually do them chocolate truffles using the recipe Lesley, I think, posted


I have a feeling I may become addicted to this thread :wink::oops:


Just need a way of having 36 hours in a day :roll:

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I'll do my best Kate :D


You'd think with Dans knowledge of all thing time traveller related (Doctor Who) he could come up with something :wink: I'll have to ask him

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