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Dare I say it?? Home made Christmas Gifts?

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I know that some will not be happy at this post ( :wink: ) but now is the time to start thinking of home made Christmas gifts. Any ideas?


I will be making smallish christmas puddings, wrapped in tissue paper and florists cellophane, tied with a pretty ribbon. Jars of bramble jelly, apple and mint jelly, damson jam, apple and rosemary jelly, plum jam and elderberry jam/jelly.

(A new farm shop has opened up near my friends house and she thinks I should sell my jams/jellies there) :D



Need more ideas though


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*comes out from behind sofa*




Phew!!!! Glad i'm not the only one Kate :wink:


I have to get organised!


Just need to design a logo for the jars! Though about using a business card size card and then wrapping raffia around the jar with the card attached! I hate scrubbing labels off jars! :evil:

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Oooh so do I Christian :evil: . Labels are my big bugbear. I print them off on the computer and stick them on with a pritt stick so they just soak off really easily when the jar's finished. I wish the ink didn't run when it got wet though. They look nice on the shelf but when in use, they are decidedly shabby!! Love your idea of the cards tied on with raffia! That's fab and very classy :D .

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damson gin? (noticed you had damson jam..) homemade decorations. :) Christmas is my favorite time of year. Got to come up with presents for my brother, mum and dad. and stuff for my mums stocking which i do. now i think about it :shock: about the stocking.. i usually start collecting for it from the start of the year :lol:

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I wish the ink didn't run when it got wet though.


you could stick them on the jar with some sticky back plastic, eaisy to take off, and the ink wont run


Bingo :idea: ! Great idea Fred, thanks. I do that on my storage jars of flour, sugar etc but hadn't thought to do it on jars for gifts :D .

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I do cake & cookie mixes in jars - where people just need to add eggs & butter. If putting this jar in a hamper, you could also supply 4 Omlet eggs in an Omlet box!

I want to sew some quilted bread baskets. The ones that are like a square, with ties on the corners. That when tied, they form a type of basket. I also want to sew some egg basket liners that keep 6 eggs warm in a basket when they are boiled.

At the moment I'm after some clear PVC sheeting. Like the stuff some umbrellas are made of. I want to make some tote bags with pockets in, to slot in artwork & photos of chickens!

I'm also making chicken calendars on the computer for family for Xmas stocking fillers!

So much to do, so little time!!!!!! :shock:



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Hope everyone is going to post photos on here - I too make lots of chrissie presents - just seen this before going to bed - so will pop back after the weekend - house of visitors coming tomorrow.


Christian to add to your booze list - I make Schnapps, all sorts of fruit vodkas - blackcurrant, raspberry, etc - they go down a storm and lots of hampers full of home made goodies and pressie too.

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Dilly - how do you make Schnapps? & fruit vodkas?? They'd go down a treat with hubby, my neighbour, sister & friends. I've got some nice bottles put aside from when we have bought schnapps from abroad & from Vom Fass shop. Just need something to fill them & one of those nice pens that writes in gold or white onto glass.

If it's not too much trouble could you put the recipes up here please? Nowt too complicated mind you as my brain has deteriorated with age! :wink:





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Just need to design a logo for the jars! Though about using a business card size card and then wrapping raffia around the jar with the card attached! I hate scrubbing labels off jars! :evil:


Last year I made Spiced Cranberry Vodka, which was a cinch & delicious with it.

I found some nice bottles & bought thise brown luggage tags from Smiths,with the string tie.

Then I went around the edge of them with pinking shears, & wrote on them in thick gold pen, & finally drew a little holly leaf in the corner.

I tied them on with natural raffia, & even though I say it myself,they looked pretty darn good :P

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Dilly - how do you make Schnapps? & fruit vodkas?? They'd go down a treat with hubby, my neighbour, sister & friends. I've got some nice bottles put aside from when we have bought schnapps from abroad & from Vom Fass shop. Just need something to fill them & one of those nice pens that writes in gold or white onto glass.

If it's not too much trouble could you put the recipes up here please? Nowt too complicated mind you as my brain has deteriorated with age! :wink:






Hi Emma


In a terrible rush - been up since 6 cleaned out the cube, and big pen, all fresh aubiose, been up the allotment picked lots of veggies = have house guests all weekend and more to do.


Here is a link to my website and the actual recipe



If you go to my website and on the right hand side is a tool bar - under Catergories, click on recipes and foodie things


Lots of recipes, ideas for mini Christmas cakes, recipes for chutney, jams, vodka jellies - all sorts.


Just keep going to 'next page' at the bottom of each page to get lots more

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Last year I made Spiced Cranberry Vodka, which was a cinch & delicious with it.

I found some nice bottles & bought thise brown luggage tags from Smiths,with the string tie.

Then I went around the edge of them with pinking shears, & wrote on them in thick gold pen, & finally drew a little holly leaf in the corner.

I tied them on with natural raffia, & even though I say it myself,they looked pretty darn good :P


I used brown tags last year on my sloe gin bottles, with the gold pen they look really lovely!


I also painted the bottle tops with gold paint (had to cover up Dr Pepper logos :oops: )

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Wow Dilly - your days must have 25 hours in them, to make & do all the stuff you do. I truly admire you!

I adore the creams - soooo pretty. I have just got to make some of those bath melt / floaters! They are fantastic! But where on earth do you buy Shea butter from???? :?

You've got me all inspired, that I'm going to have a craft afternoon today!



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Well its wonderful so see the artistic and creative juices flowing - lets keep this topic alive shall we.


We can all inspire each other - its going to be a great creative Christmas - and lucky are the people who will be receiving the hampers and pressies huh?


Shea butter - you can 'google' it but I can look up what I used instead and get you another recipe.


But after the weekend

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Have you got any bridleways or public footpaths near you, Bronze? We've got a lovely bridleway here near the river with damsons, sloes, rosehips, elderberries, crab apples etc. LSH calls it my larder as we come back with carrier bags full of stuff from it :lol: . So long as it's not on a main road and can't be polluted by car fumes, it'll be fine.

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