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Snowy's gone broody (I think!)

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So Snowy has been laying for the last month or so about five eggs a week. Last weekend she stopped laying and has spent most of her time sitting in the eglu in the nest area. Pretty sure from my books that I've got a broody on my hands now!


Problem being only having a (red eglu) there's only the one next box so if the other two wanted to lay they wouldn't have the chance at the moment! :doh:


Now how can I persuade her to stop being broody? :pray:

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Have you heard of a broody crate. I've got an indoor rabbit cage. You put the chicken in it with water and food, take out the tray at the bottom, and prop it up on some bricks. This will bring down her body temperature, she will have to stay in there all day and night, for at least 2 nights. You can then put her back with the others.


I have never actually used mine. I find that the others still lay. They squeeze in next to her. She will pinch their eggs and lay on them, you then have the lovely job of taking the eggs from under her. She won't be happy.


If you choose the second option take her off the nest a few times a day to make sure she's eating and drinking.


Good luck :D

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I have pekins and it feels like their life mission is being broody :lol::lol:


So I invested in a wire cat carrier which goes in the cube run up on 2 bricks for most of the summer, with a rotating selection of broodies!! They have clip on cups for food & water and stay for at least 3 days and nights straight! Best in sight of the others :D


Then if you let them out and they head straight for the nest box.....they need longer!


Of course now I would actually like one to go broody for hatching.......no takers :doh: Typical totally contrary :wall:

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