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WHO will be the first to get todays snow ???

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Thanks for that Buffie, I've got to admit that I'm fascinated by weather too, I do wish I'd paid more attention to my geography lessons at school :oops:

It looks like the South East may escape this time, although it's looking pretty grey & dismal out there right now, and it's really very cold out there.

I love snow, as long as I don't actually have to do anything or go anywhere in it. It's the weather for walks in the woods, snowball fights, then coming into a warm house for hot chocolate and chestnuts roasted on the Chiminea :D . One year we had a Danish au-pair, she walked the children home from school, rolling a snowball all the way. It started snowball size at the school, but was taller than Imy by the time they got home and it took the full strength of all 3 of them to roll it home. Neighbours were coming out to take photo's of them :D:D .

She then went and dug mini-igloos in the garden and put tea-lights in them. I got home to a gently glowing garden and a snowball blocking my parking space on the drive :roll:

I hate snow when it goes grey & slushy, or when I have to drive in it :shock: Had a horrible experience driving home in snow about 2 years ago, I manage it OK, but I've never been so scared behind the wheel in my life, but I absolutely had to get home to the children after work, and the car was slipping and sliding everywher. Somehow this country never seems geared up for bad weather.

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We have a special interest in weather here as Tom wants to be a meteorologist so he's always watching and reading about the weather! He's got a singing and tapdancing electronic weather station in his room and always tells me if it's safe to put the washing on the line by checking windspeed, relative humidity and temperature :lol: !

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That's handy Kate. Is he any more reliable than the TV weather reporters?

My NDN maintains that she always knows when not to put her washing out- she maintains that if mine goes out before I go to work that's a good day to wavoid, because it generally rains before I get home again.

Unfortunately she's right :roll:

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The wind has really picked up here too, Clare.


I do hope it snows. I get so excited if it is forecast - I am like a little kid!


I am stuck at home with a sick daughter still, so a little bit of snow would really cheer us up :D


Can you lot up north please all blow really hard...it might reach us down here then :lol::lol:

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Have you ever thought about presenting the weather BB. That was very precise :lol:


Looks like us Easties will get off lightly then :D



Don't speak too soon Gina...


I would love to present the weather with a clicky device and waving my arms around. I love it when we go to the states and they have the weather channel :? , I am off to check metcheck then go to Waitrose for the supplies. Brrrr gone cold and last client nearly got blown back into her car. :shock:



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Might be Ali-s as she is the furthest North they say it is the North and East to get it first so I may see some at work but not at home as I live in the central bit of the Borders :?


Nope not me. :(


Lots of hail and sleet. Maybe tonight and then I will not be able to get into work tomorrow. :D

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We just back fm Las Vegas where they were having a heat wave - had a loverly 2 weeks of 25 - 28 deg. Bit of a culture shock weather wise to come back to as it was still quite mild when we left.


good luck with weather for everyone up North hope you dont get too much disruption although everyones predicting its going to get nasty.


Heard a story on our local radio yesterday - the Gritters have been out because of the heavy frosts in Kent but unfortunately no-one told the road sweepers who were unknowingly following them sweeping it all up. Both depts are now speaking to one another in order this doesnt happen again




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No snow here yet, although it is blowing a gale, and the wind is most definately Arctic. The kids are gutted that they can't start snow man building yet! Hope it's clear in the morning as Chookiehubbie is off, and we're off Santa shopping!

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About one snowflakes depth here. :lol:


Went into town tonight with children. In the boot of my car I had 1 sleeping bag, 1 fleece blanket, hats and gloves for three, 1 small spade, 1 packet of chocolate chip cookies, 1 bag of jelly babies, 3 cartons of juice.......just in case. :lol::lol:


Town had a little more snow than here, the roads were clear thank goodness.


Just had a thought, I should have put in a torch. My car is a Fiat Scietento, the boot was full before I put the swimming gear in. :lol:

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Just posted it somewhere else Lesley I was concentrating on the forum so much I hadn't noticed then I turned round and said a very rude word :shock:


Yes I have fairly heavy snow I hope it doesn't go on all day as I can't go home early I have a friend staying tonight (the one I stayed with in the summer) she is in Edinburgh for work and is flying home tommorow so we can have a girly night but she won't get out here (I work the other side of the bypass not actually in Edinburgh) until about 6 tonight :shock:


Ooh er could be a night in the tea room :cry:

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