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Roman the rooster

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That's a really good painting.


One of my children said, "I wish I could paint like that!" :)


I am an old grown up and I wish I could paint like that too! :lol:

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Aw, thank you for all your lovely comments, I really don't know what got me started with painting chickens, I just thought it was a good idea!!!


I think it maybe genetics that allow me to paint like that though, my Gran was a very skilled watercolour painter and could paint anything, without even having to draw pencil lines in first...Unlike me-I always draw the basic outline, (Grandad has to do that too, he doesn't paint anymore though. :( Then fill it in with base coats and go over and over it to get more depth.


I'm currently trying to get my work exhibited, but with little success.

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Liz you are so talented, that is soooo clever, ... I have used those labels on my egg box, one of the girls at work was the first to recieve it and she was very impressed,.xx


Thankyou again xx


Oh good. Glad you like them...My chickens haven't been laying enough eggs at the minute for me to give them away, so I haven't had a chance to show them off!

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