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Foxes be gone! Effective deterrent?

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We've had a war with foxes for a few weeks now. Evidence of them returning night after night, causing more and more damage. Then one day last week we heard Whitney screaming her head off and rushed out to see that 2 young foxes actually had Mariah! We scared them and they released Mariah, who stumbled over to us... a hell of a lot of feathers missing. Feathers everywhere! Miraculously she survived and all 3 are pretty much back to normal now.


Anyway that night they came back about 6 times an hour and have wreaked havoc in our garden every night since. They have repeatedly destroyed the tarp covering the run, they poo on top of the coop and run (and anywhere else they please) EVERY NIGHT! They dig up plants and around the base of our pear tree EVERY NIGHT!


Can someone please point me to the most effective, but chicken friendly fox deterrent ????!!!!!(I'd rather they were deceased but know this is not an option). I'm not overly worried about the girls - they seem to be very secure in their Go Up no matter how much they persist. It's just the constant mess and destruction that's driving me mad!


On another note can anyone recommend a more robust run cover than clear tarp as I can't keep replacing it at this rate?!

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There are various things you can try but none of them is perfect. There's the Foxwatch, an electronic deterrent - some people say this works, others say it doesn't make any difference; read the reviews on Amazon and make up your own mind but it might be worth a try.


There are lots of other suggestions that you'll find on here - human wee round the garden (get the males in your family to help!), human hair; anything that changes the garden will tend to put them off, so just doing some gardening, maybe clearing any undergrowth in the areas where the foxes are coming into the garden or doing something that blocks their route might help.


However all of these are just deterrents. The foxes will keep coming back because you've got something so tempting. Please don't risk free ranging unless you can be there to supervise - as you've already seen, they can be there in an instant.

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I would suggest a walk-in run; Emma, who used to be on this forum, lived in Birmingham and had daytime foxes in their garden. They built a walk-in run for their girls and only let them out when they were in the garden themselves.


A gamekeeper friend has a nice sideline business 'extinguishing' urban foxes - it's quick and very effective.

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Yes we used a wildlife control company. Well we got advice from them. They suggested the trap to buy, what to bait it with and what to do to encourage a fox to use it. We didn't need to do any of their suggestions, our fox was so cocky he walked into the trap the first night we baited and set it. The wildlife management company wanted £369 to come and dispose of him. My friend over the road, knew someone who did the deed for £20. Bargain, best £20 we have ever spent. Despite everyone saying, don't shoot it, another one will take its place its been 5 months now and no sign of another one. If we did get one I would do the same thing again

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I bought A professional fox trap, Funny enough, I haven't seen any foxes since then, baited it and the only thing I keep catching is my neighbor's dog, then baited with apples I caught rabbits, I bought a wildlife hunting camera no foxes shown up.

Funny enough last year early in the morning I saw my hens "led by the rooster" following something across the fence, magpies flying over, I thought a hen flew out of the fence and they are looking at her, then I saw a big red fox looking at them drooling across the fence

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they said to continue baiting and setting it for the next fortnight to see if we could catch a vixen, but all we caught we next doors cat and a hedgehog. Thats fish flavoured cat food for you.


The saddest thing is that my husband has offered to build me a fox proof secure run so I can have some more girls, but I am too scared, I have guinea pigs and a tortoise as well so daren't endanger them again. He built me a lovely fox proof hutch, but the fox used to patrol round it, frightening them. Frightened me too, I now have a fox phobia

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I have said this before, but the fact that you've never seen a fox in your garden doesn't mean that there isn't one around. Some make themselves more obvious than others, I know Millie-Annie had a particularly problematic one, and I reported earlier this year about the one coming into my house through the catflap. I haven't seen that particular one for a while but I know there is still a fox around - I can smell it every morning.


Gavclojak is spot on; defence and only free range when you're there to watch them.

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In an update to this, I have deployed a range of new 'weapons' to deter the fox who took one of our girls and so far it seems to be working (we used to see the fox once every few days, and haven't seen him at all since doing all this):

Installed 2 motion sensor solar lights. One is situated on the side fence next to the cube, the other is situated on a pergola which overlooks the run.

Installed 2 motion sensor 'sonic' deterrents. The neighbour's cat doesn't like it much, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Installed an electric fence that gives quite a kick!

Sprayed the garden with fox deterrent scent - and I don't blame him because I'm not a big fan of the smell myself!!

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