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James H

How do you do the egg dance!

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Despite having my girls for some time now, I do still smile inside whenever I get an egg. I'm especially pleased at the moment as Tara and Cathy my ex-batts have gone into lay as I thought that they had decided to go into retirement. Still awaiting the laying of blue eggs from my Columbines. Now that will be worth a bit of a boogie :dance::dance:

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One of my dogs does a great egg dance :lol:


His dance starts before he gets the egg, jumping up and down in hope that today is an egg day. Then when he realises it is, the dances off with the egg in his mouth. He gently puts it down on the lawn and proceeds to dance all round it, waving his front legs at it and nudging it with his nose (trying to make it run so he can play chase). Eventually he gets fed up with the egg's lack of activity and he starts dancing round the garden playing catch with it. Eventually the egg gives in and gets eaten :lol:



Oooooooooooh video please :D:lol::D

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my first ever egg was celebrated by me dancing round the garden in my nightie and wellies, soon closely followed by Phil and Rosie in a sort of conga


Does anyone else get the impression chicken people are all batty or is it just me? :think:


oh but we are so nice :lol:

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