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Which breed (ie poor little homeless hen) do we reject?

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Now that I've sorted the 2 or 3 dilemma (3, obviously) and the tell the neighbours in advance dilemma (nah, let them find out the hard way), I've got another one:


We've got the choice of 4 breeds (which we can collect on Sunday rather than waiting for the other supplier to get round to coming to the east coast - "sometime next week")


Which poor hen do we reject? :cry:


Rhode Island

Light Sussex

Columbine (hybrid Cream Legbar)

Pied Suffolk (hybrid Silver Sussex)


I don't suppose it matters really, but if anyone knows of a breed that's not so suited to a small back garden & limited free ranging, it would be good to know.


There are so many experts out there, I know someone will have some good advice!

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I have a light sussex and a pied suffolk and they're both lovely girls, very friendly and so far good layers (early days on that score) but they look lovely together, almost like positive and negative images of each other.

I've no experience on the other breeds but go on your insinct. I'm sure they're all great. :D

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I have two columbines which are adorable to look at. They are very active, not very friendly and very flighty BUT they have an 80% chance of a blue/green egg. I was told they consume vast quantities of vegetation but I haven't found this to be the case.


In your situation I would get all 4 as when you bring home three and fall in love with them you'll want a fourth anyway.

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I have a Jasmine called Clover (which is a columbine with a different name) she is so cute!!! I love her to bits!!! She isnt at all flighty like what Garden Poultry said and she loves being cuddled. I dont really care if she lays blue eggs or not. Plus she has a gorgeous hair-do!

Here is a piccie for you!!!

(it was taken on her first day of introducing her to our origional girls, thats why she looks a bit miffed and is trying not to make eye contact with anyone.)




good luck


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If you really can't get all 4 (& I bet thats what you do get!), then just go along & pick 3 hens that you like the look of & take your fancy.


You may be suprised with what you come home with. 8)

I think that there is a lot to be said for picking a hen to come home with you by how it appeals to you on the day :P


I had no intention of getting a Rhode Star, but my Pansy had such a sweet face & The Hubby insisted as he said she had winked at him :wink::lol:

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