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chickens in the house

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ours come in every opportunity they can, it's like a game, if one of the children leaves the back door open they rush in, grab whatever crumbs they can off the floor (normally loads! :shock: ) then they get chased out. Even my two year old who is just learning to talk shouts "Mum! Chickens. House. Out! Shoo!"


Here comes one now!




Mrs B

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Mine are always in the house, in fact all 3 of them are sitting under the kitchen table as I type this! Bunty has even managed to negotiate the stairs and I often find her sitting on our bed having a snooze.


:shock::?:vom: ... sorry Chickybaby, but I can't get my head round this. WHAT ABOUT THE POO?


I am not fussy or over-houseproud, my cat sleeps on the bed and I'm sure lots of people think that's very unhealthy ... but HE'S HOUSETRAINED. Usually.


Poo on the duvet? :roll:

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Matilda spends most of the weekend in the house - she definitely thinks she is human or dog, tending to "hang out" with us in preference to Pepper or Elisa.


She has spent much of today asleep with the dog on her bed in the lounge. :roll:


The other morning, I came out of the shower to find the dog waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs as normal ... and Matilda having scaled the stairs (no mean feat for a small Pekin Bantam :shock: ) waiting for me outside the bathroom door! :lol:

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Ours rush in at every opportunity too, in fact if we're standing in the way they'll barge us, especially arnie and reggie. arnie heads straight for the cereal cupboard except once we found her squaring up to jump on the hob (which was on)! i know i should probably be more hygeine conscious but to be honest i just find it too cute! as long as we keep an eye on them they're not doing any harm.

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I agree. . .chickens in the house can be fun. First of all. . .seeing them RUN to the door when they think they might get in is funnier than hell! Many times when they come in. . .they don't poo at all. Just don't feed them tomatoes before you let them in!! ;-)


If you are really familiar with your chickens, which I am as I only have the two, you sort of know their habits. With the heat of our summer. . .it was fun to see them come in an lounge on the couch or on the floor . . .totally relaxed. . .really not much mess at all to figure out.


But we are VERY pet friendly. . .so I guess it's a matter of taste.



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