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The Things Children Say!

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:?:oops: Not sure if I should post what Joe said the other day :wink: .


Please remember he is only 4 years old, and they have been doing alot of learning re.Africa.


Joe ... colouring in .... a brown snowman. I say to Joe "why did you colour that in brown Joe, Snowmen are white unless they are muddy".


Joe "they are brown in Africa Mummy". :shock: . I then had to remind him, that it was too hot in Africa for Snow. :wink:

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:wink: Had to be diplomatic last night too ... Ben had a friend round for tea, and he was asking if the eggs in the egg spiral holder were from the hens in the garden. I replied they were ... and then he said "why don't they have any writing on them" :?::shock: .


I had to seriously think about the :?: , and then explained that Ginger, Mrs Snowy and Ebony had not learned to write yet. :wink::lol::lol::lol:


(Joking ... I did explain about supermarket/packaged eggs).

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Love this topic.


I'm expecting our third child and Carla my 4 year old said as we were walking to school


"Mummy will you be able to walk us to school when you have the baby?"


I said "of course we will have a pram and you can hold onto the side"


Carla said "Thats good becuase its been in there (referring to my tummy) for such a long time that it will need some fresh air" :lol:


Also the baby is due on Carla's birthday and one day she rather thoughtfully said


"Mummy I'm only going to invite five people to my party"


I said "Oh?


She said "because there won't be enough room for us to watch otherwise" :shock:


Incidently I have been using a dictaphone to record all their wise words - proved to be much easier that writing it all down.

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I was at the supermarket with my 3 year old waiting to get through the checkouts.


At the next till was a new mum with a screaming newborn. Judging by the mums face she was having one of those down days that all new mums get at one time or another and feeling the pressure of shopping with a screaming clild in tow.


So I smiled my warmest smile at the mum and turned to my daughter saying 'ah, look at that little baby. Isn't she beautiful?' to which my daughter horified me by replying 'No she's ugly!'


To say I was mortified would be the understatement of the year :(

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