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beach chick


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Hello fellow chickens, it's me again - SHE doesnt know I'm tapping away on the keyboard here (v. difficult with claws, but I'm managing - SHE won't like the poo on the office chair tho! teee heee)


Now I'm over the broodiness (I try not to think about it, it was misery in that dog cage) I have another little problem.


I've gone bald around the eyes and cheeks, and the feathers on my head are kind of broken looking. I don't itch, feel perfectly fine in myself, am pecking about and eating and drinking and even laying eggs (dont know why I bother for the Rosa Kleb lookalike, but there you go). last time SHE cleaned the eglu, SHE put that Diatom stuff in there, so I don't think I've got mites.


SHE has mentioned the vet, but I thought I'd ask you lot for any ideas first?

I expect SHE will log in again later, even though SHE should be working...

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Hi Mercedes!


Clever girl for sneaking into HER office!


As you are such a big grown up Girl now, I think you maybe moulting, ready for gorgeous new feathers in a few weeks. Best to get it done sooner, rather than later, as Winter is on its way! Brrrrrrrr!


Its clever of you to still be laying eggs whilst moulting, but I think you will probably stop laying soon. The moult will need all your energy to grow those fancy feathers back again.


Ask HER to give you some tuna in water (not brine, yucky salt) and that will help! Also, why don't you order some Chicken spice from the tinterweb, as you are so good at typing??


Looking forward to seeing your new gorgeous coat, ready for winter fashion week! :wink:



C x




(can't believe I just typed that) :roll::lol:

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Moulting? MOULTING??? I'm only about 8 months old, can this be right? is it linked to my broody hormones, or the fact that I am a pure bred Silver Sussex?


Actually I may not have been quite accurate about still laying eggs, we do tend now to take it in turns to keep HER on HER toes. it was a 4 egg day yesterday, but we've been doing 2 or 3 between us for a week or so now, just to stop HER getting complacent. it's very funny watching HER scouring the garden trying to find extra eggs.

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